When i saw this movie at the ripe age of 9, yes it scared the hell outta me. I remember asking if i could watch with my parents and they said sure why not (awesome right!?!). So im watching it and the demons come out of the ground, by this time i am hugging the crap out of my Taz pillow and peaking through my fingers. Then the mineshaft part happened and i lost my 9 year old sh*t. it was then, RIGHT THERE, that my parents decided to send me to bed....in the dark...alone...with those images stuck in my mind. Needless to say the nightmares just kept a coming. I used to stay up watching all the "Movies at Midnight" with my sister after that. Two years later i discovered Hellraiser, and then the nightmares part duex enraged. After that, pumpkinhead...and i still cant watch that movie without sheilding my eyes, to this day.