Fight Doubles for Van Damme?
One big thing hurts this film with me. When you watch it again, you'll notice that in almost every fight scene there are notable shots of a double doing much of the fight scenes (especially look at the face...definitely not Van Damme)'s almost as if Van Damme just did a lot of the close ups.
I can understand having doubles for dangerous stunt sequences. But for the fight scenes? C''s kind of why we watch Van Damme films. To see him do the stuff (I doubt he even did the dropkick to the guy in the locker room).
Why is this? He was still in great shape at the time. Hell, he's still in pretty good shape now...and most of his films don't have this (the only other one I notice is in parts of Double Team).
Was this perhaps because of his drug problem going on at the time? Was there a 'strict' schedule, thus they had to use doubles for most of the fight sequences?