New Soundtrack Downloads

Hi everyone! With the help of marioxb, I was able to rip the 5.1 soundtrack from each specific channel of the new DVD (English side). Doing this, I am now able to create any of the other themes from the movie you guys have so often asked for. Now, they won't be as perfect as the Ryu Theme I did a few months ago, but they're very good, and they're the best we're going to get before Cory Lerios sends the real score to our friend.

Basically, I just used the center right and center left speakers to create the stereo audio. From these, I can get a perfect copy of the music straight from the movie. There's no loud sound effects, and no voices whatsoever. What you hear during most of the tracks I'm going to upload is the music playing loudly, with some quieter sound effects in the background. The sound effects don't distract much from the music. Some of the themes will have no sound effects at all, and be pure music. It all depends on how they did the DVD.

I'm going to upload one song a day, every day. It takes a little time to compile them correctly, and clean them up, so I'll go as fast as I can. Some days I might upload two. I'll keep putting them online until we get the real score, or until I've done all of the songs from the movie, whichever comes first. I won't be doing the band music, since that's already out there. Just the movie themes.

If you have any requests for what you want for the next one, go ahead and ask, and I'll see about doing that one for the next day. No guarantees, though. I'll get to them all sooner or later, don't worry.

Also remember, I don't even pretend to take credit for making these songs. All ownership rights of any of the following songs belong to Cory Lerios, not me. I just recompiled them.

Here's the first one to get you guys started. This one is the theme from Ryu vs. Fei Long. It's the song that plays during their fight. There's some crowd cheers and stuff, but they're muffled by the loud, fast-paced music that pulsates this intense fight scene. Enjoy!


Can you please post this soundtrack on rapidshare?
Cuz' my country does not support free download from sendspace...

Or send it to my e-mail - [email protected]



I would, but Rapidshare is full right now.



Thanks for the link. However, 10 megs per is a bit light.


We really should go for a torrent or something. I'd make one but I can't download the soundtrack 'cos the link doesn't work for my country and it was too full before when it did work :(

Either that or a little webspace somewhere. It's less than 100 MB so if someone has a bit of space they can borrow? :) The webspace would be the most ideal thing but if it's not possible then I think torrents are the best bet.

The New Mr


I'll send it to you over AIM. Message me, my name is PsiCopPOV.


Just read up this forum and can't believe the soundtrack actually exists?! Waaa!! Is there anyway I can get my grubby little hands on it? I've searched everywhere, and now there's a possiblity that....I....could get it somehow?!
Please, if anyone could help i'd be trully thankful :)
Many thanks



I captured the individual songs from the movie. Then I uploaded them and another forumer here put them and the 'band music' onto two cds. He then made a torrent available. The link is in this thread or another recent one here. Get the torrent.


Looked high and low for said torrent but no luck.


it seems all the links have expired, i'll try top upload it if anyones interested, i m out of town righ tnow, will be back sometime next week, i'll put it on sendspace then. ok


Oh yeah!!! Please do man! I'd REALLY appreciate it!


Wow that would be AWESOME, I'd really like the soundtrack and am SO disappointed I can't buy it.

Any uploads would be brilliant :D


It seems like every couple of months, the links go dead and the requests start coming in for someone to host the unobtainable OST again...
... well, add me to that list. I've been looking for these songs, specifically Ryu's Theme, for well over 10 years and would be INCREDIBLY appreciative if I could find somewhere to download it. Thanks in advance.


Allright guys. I am one of the few that were here as we got our hands on the ripped of score, I will upload it soon for you to download it from rapidshare. will that do for you? atm I'm a bit busy, so maybe tomorrow. but for sure this week, I promise, so check back.
this is the least I can do, as I know EXACTLY how you feel when you want it so bad for so many years but can't get it. it was just like this with me for over 10 years...


I would VERY much appreciate that. Thanks.


Ok everybody, here is the object of your (and my) desire:

I hope some of you grab it now as they can.

note: this is the folder from my personal collection, I didn't bother changing the track names. so you will find a few of the tracks under their "customized" (by me) names. just in case you wonder.

greetings fighters


My eternal thanks! Thanks so much!


You're welcome!


Thanks for keeping an eye on it David. I don't check these boards as much as I should these days.


Hey, no problem man! btw, it's cool to see you're still alive!


Yeah, I'm still kickin' bro! I'm amazed at how many people still request the soundtrack.


Hehe you're amazed? Really? Well... I'm must say I'm not. This score is one of the best I've ever heard - and thanks to you - I'm still using it for my training these days and for all those to come:)
Thinking about it, it would very interesting to know how many people exactly got your version. It will spread and spread, eventually pop up on numerous peer-to-peer networks, sharebases and so on, and every song/copy could theoretically be tracked back to your single effort. Buddy, you've moved a big stone here, I'm sure.
Kick on!


Wasn't a big stone, so much as it was a big hill, I think. A lot of people wanted it. Just glad to be of help. :)


Mr. Polite the legend you are, will you be able to rip the music from, Street Fighter Alpha and Alpha Generations. there was a 5.1 sound setting on the alpha but not to sure about the alpha Generations dvd.


I've actually never seen nor do I own Alpha. However, I have seen some of the music from it floating around on P2P networks. It's out there, you just have to look a bit.


Just like everyone else I wanted to say thanks a BUNCH for the work you put in recompiling this soundtrack.. I (like everyone here seemingly) have searched fruitlessly for the soundtrack and have only just found it thanks to you!!




yeah, Mr. Polite is truly our hero...
about the Alpha score, just like he said, it definitely exists - all tracks are there.


I'm not a hero or anything. I just put some music out there.


Hehe, give it up buddy, you'll never get rid of that fame;-)


My eternal thanks also, this is one hell of a soundtrack I have been looking for.
Whatever you need, hit me up David - [email protected]
Anything as a payback.



Hey cyanide,
hehe you're cool man!
As all the work was originally done by Mr. Polite, I'll be especially glad to remember your e-mail adress, just in case.
"Cheers man, fighters should stick together... cause we're brothers waaahahahahaahhaa!!"


I will have to check through all pages again, but does anybody know if that "Freezone" theme is available for ripping? :)

The theme where Ken, Ryu and Chun-Li are chased by a horde of hoodlums after Ryu/Ken whooped their fighters.


You are talking about the V Series, not about the Animated Movie, right? Wrong board then. But a hint: The SF 2 V score is out there as well, I think the theme you are looking for is included.


For some reason on rapidshare it says file not found.
Does anyone know why?.


It works fine with me...
c'mon dude, take some time before posting and look through the thread... on page 12 I posted a link which works.


greetz to all street fighter fans !

can somebody upload again the sfII: V OST ? it would be great :)
