New Soundtrack Downloads

Hi everyone! With the help of marioxb, I was able to rip the 5.1 soundtrack from each specific channel of the new DVD (English side). Doing this, I am now able to create any of the other themes from the movie you guys have so often asked for. Now, they won't be as perfect as the Ryu Theme I did a few months ago, but they're very good, and they're the best we're going to get before Cory Lerios sends the real score to our friend.

Basically, I just used the center right and center left speakers to create the stereo audio. From these, I can get a perfect copy of the music straight from the movie. There's no loud sound effects, and no voices whatsoever. What you hear during most of the tracks I'm going to upload is the music playing loudly, with some quieter sound effects in the background. The sound effects don't distract much from the music. Some of the themes will have no sound effects at all, and be pure music. It all depends on how they did the DVD.

I'm going to upload one song a day, every day. It takes a little time to compile them correctly, and clean them up, so I'll go as fast as I can. Some days I might upload two. I'll keep putting them online until we get the real score, or until I've done all of the songs from the movie, whichever comes first. I won't be doing the band music, since that's already out there. Just the movie themes.

If you have any requests for what you want for the next one, go ahead and ask, and I'll see about doing that one for the next day. No guarantees, though. I'll get to them all sooner or later, don't worry.

Also remember, I don't even pretend to take credit for making these songs. All ownership rights of any of the following songs belong to Cory Lerios, not me. I just recompiled them.

Here's the first one to get you guys started. This one is the theme from Ryu vs. Fei Long. It's the song that plays during their fight. There's some crowd cheers and stuff, but they're muffled by the loud, fast-paced music that pulsates this intense fight scene. Enjoy!


I went ahead and finished another song from the movie. This'll give you guys two songs to enjoy before tomarrow's upload. This one is the 3 minute song that plays before, during, and after Ken's battle with Thunder Hawk. This theme turned out perfectly! The only sound effects are the monitor cyborg sound effects at the very beginning, and it actually makes it sound cooler, I think. There's no sound effects at all for the rest of the entire song.

It turned out great! Enjoy!


Cool man, thanks for doing this. These are way better quality then the ones i made, they even had sound effects of my parents yelling at each other in the background. :p


Great work man, you did a great job! I didn't think the results would be that awesome!! So 5.1. did save us, eh? Can't wait to get more, esspecially the flashback music... (now that was a little hint on what I would love to get next... ;-))

As you know, I wrote another email to Cory, but until now I didn't get any reply. I really don't know what's going on. From his first email to me, I could swear he was serious that he was gonna send it. If he wasn't, then he could have ignored my mail completely. Maybe he's really to busy these days...
I will send him another and also write John D'Andrea and ask him what to do now.

Once again, thank you buddy!

@starwarsian ramon: your version does sound interesting as well... hehehe!! =)


Yeah, I'd prefer the real score any day. Still, some of these will turn out really good, like Ken vs. Thunder Hawk.

Thanks for the compliments guys. Many more songs to come.


Great work! The Ken vs. Thunder Hawk score sounds perfect.

Does anyone know where I can download the other songs (not scores) that are played, like "Them Bones"? I'm trying to get all the music from the movie. Here's a list:
1.Korn - "Blind"
2.Alice In Chains- "Them Bones"
3.Silverchair - "Israel's Son"
4.The Nursery - "Hallucinations"
5.Black/Note - "Evil Dancer"
6.KMFDM - "Ultra"
7.Smokin Suckaz - "Cuz I'm like dat"
8.Intermix - "Mantra"

Again, nice work mr. polite, and thanks.


Thanks. You can get them on most file sharing networks, like E-Donkey 2000, Shareaza, or Ares.

Today, I did two songs from the beginning of the movie. Ryu vs. Sagat to start out with, since that's the one most people have asked for after Ryu's Theme. Since in the movie it was so laden with sound effects, the volume in the score fluctuates a lot. It'll get quiet, then loud, then quiet. That's the downside to using this method. I worked for a while on it trying to minimize the volume changes. It ended up sounding okay, not great. It's about the best we're going to get before David Krug gets the CD. It's good enough to listen to, and it doesn't have all the 'ughs' and 'hiyas' in it. I'm still not satisfied with it, but I can't get it much better.

I also did the music that plays when Cammy assasinates the politician. This song had similar problems, and it also turned out just okay. Some themes will sound good, simply because the scene is very music heavy. The Thunder Hawk one is a perfect example. It's almost flawless. So far, Ryu vs. Sagat was the hardest, and I suspect it'll stay at that. I'm thinking of doing Ryu and Ken training together, next. Stay tuned!


These are awesome! Keep it up, Mr. Polite.

vzefds, check your PMs. And to anybody else that wants the licensed music, hit me up with a PM.

- Deon


Today I have 3 great downloads for you! They're all based off of the same Ryu and Ken training together flashback. However, once I perfected that track, I thought to myself, "Hey, why not make Ryu's Theme even better?" So I spent a few hours completing it to satisfaction. This Ryu's Theme is the ultimate, end of the line, best version of it (aside from the actual source material). It has all of Ryu's Theme, with the flashback music slipped into the middle. It took a long time to get this one to satisfaction, and I think we all have a difinitive Ryu Theme now. As a little added bonus, I put the shorter version of the Ryu theme that was captured straight from the Himalaya's sequence (the one at the beginning). This is the piece that plays all the way through that scene. That way you have an original cut of the music. They all are different and have different parts and lengths. The ultimate Ryu Theme is the longest.

The Ultimate Ryu's Theme:

The Flashback Theme:

The Himalaya scene, straight from the movie:


Wow, you deserve all our respect and gratitude! you - once again & like always - did an awesome job!! I always felt the flashback music was connected to Ryu's standart theme, actually I'm sure that there is only one track originally, cut into pieces for the movie. and this original track might very well sound exactly like your ultimate theme does now. great work!

one question left: there are three flashbacks in the movie. the first two contain almost the same part of the flashback music (except that at the second scene, where Ryu grabs Ken's hand, the music changes to the original (faster) Ryu's theme again - you incorporated that). but the third flashback, when the two have to leave the forest and say goodbye (right before Ken gets this halluzination (?) of Bison crushing out of his master's hut), the music contains a different part of the song than the first two flashbacks do. did you incorporate THIS part into your tracks as well? I'm unsure, but I think it's not in there, I recognize only the first two flashback music parts. but I might be wrong. just wanted to know.

OK, now I will enjoy your tracks again. :-) thank you so much man!


Heh, thank you again. Yeah, you're very perceptive. I used the first two flashback scenes. The last one, plus the little pieces of it that play during the final battle with Bison were either the same, or had sound effects (muffled talking that could be heard... like "through gentleness learn strength, through strength, gentleness will prevail" or something like that). The first two flashback scenes had a minimal of sound effects and no talking, so I used those. You can hear some footsteps and Gi movement, stuff like that, but it's not too noticable.

Ideally, I would have used them all, but I just worked with what I had, and I think it turned out fine. And yeah, I agree that the flashback was always part of Ryu's theme, so now it feels more complete.

Trust me, I'm more of a perfectionist than you could imagine. I notice and cringe at every imperfection in the songs more than anyone. :P I've heard the same about many artists. (Even though I'm technically not an artist, but re-editing these has become an art form I think lol) :D

The transitions are the hardest. I had to find something to make it smoother. I worked for a while on the 2:40 and 3:15 (especially) transitions, since they were pretty rough. I just added some background effects like the gong, and worked with the volume on all the tracks. It sounded horrible last night when I was working on it, but this morning when I heard it again with a clear mind, it sounded fine. That's kinda how it works out. The transitions are probably the most challenging, but it's also the most fun to try and figure out. It's like a puzzle to me.

I'm going to have another original track or two from the movie tonight.


Got today's one finished a bit early. It's the Calcutta theme. It turned out beautifully. The only sound effect in the entire 2 minutes and 49 seconds is the milk pitcher dropping. Other than that it's absolutely perfect. Clean crisp music, with a loud tempo. This one turned out as good as, if not better than Ryu vs Thunder Hawk.

Yet another big theme from the movie down, plenty to go:


Hey buddy!!
I know what you're talking about. I'm pretty much a perfectionist as well, when it gets technical however, I got no clues. But I noticed all your mentioned transitions (that gong and so on) and I must say it's really well done. I doubt anybody could get more out of the score - with what we have now - than you did. Love and feeling for music is what one needs for these things, and you definitely got that as well ;-)
I'll check the Calcutta theme tomorrow, no time atm...

Good news: I told you I wrote Cory again, and even though he didn't reply I got a mail from John D'Andrea (the secdond sf2 score componist, they both also made the score for baywatch many years...). He told me that Cory is on tour with his band "Pablo Cruise". That pretty much explains why he couldn't send the cd yet, nor reply to my mails. But John said Cory would get back next week, and then he is going to ask/remind him about the CD and then tell me what's up. he's a cool guy. So, there is still hope, nothing's lost, next week we'll know more.

and: in case you wanna know how Cory does look like, check the site of his band. it's . since ALL THIS has been all about him, we should at least a bit know who he is, eh?

keep it up guys!


Definitely dude. He's the real composer.


I did the Shadow Law Theme today. It plays when you see Bison and his minions walking the corridors of their base all badassified. It doesn't have any sound effects, just the quality's a little bit below perfect. All in all, it turned out pretty decently.


Nice work again! =)
I'm looking esspecially forward towards the quiet ChunLi 'theme' shortly before her fight against Vega, when they show all the buildings, fire stairs and ... boobies! ;-)


Well, I was planning on doing that one anyways, so it works out good. I used the theme that plays before Vega, and the two times you see her in the hospital. I just sliced the three together, nothing fancy. The first part has tons of sound effects, shower, traffic, etc. The other two parts are pretty free of effects. It drags on a little bit, but at least you'll have the theme from each part of the movie.


Yahooo!! that sound effects in part 1 don't bother too much. I can finally listen to it when walking around outside, which is cool! :-D


Can someone please give me the link to download Black/Note - Evil Dancer


Please Join My Forum;


I did two smaller ones today. I did the short riff that plays when you first see Guile at Patterson Air Force base. That turned out pretty good. I also did the music that plays when Blanka and Zangief fight. That one has a lot of crowd sounds that can't be fixed, unfortunately.

I only have one or two more to go, and that'll be it. Maybe I can finish it up tomarrow.

Patterson Air Force Base:

Blanka Vs. Zangief:


mr polite,

As a current 29 year old who first bought this film on VHS in the UK, in 1994, when I was 17 years old, I would just like to sat a HUGE thank you for taking the time to give me the opportunity to FINALLY have these soundtracks.....12 years on.

The nostalgic factor alone makes it great for me but its use in my martial arts (Tae Kwon Do) kata forms is where it matters most. It just takes me back to a point in my youth which is filled with great times and memories. The Chun Li soundtrack is the one I most wanted not to mention the Ruy meditation tracks.

Till Mr Lerios sorts out that elusive soundtrack it will more than make up for the big gap since 1994 and the various DVD releases.

You have earnt my respect and admiration for this true show of altruism.



Thanks. That means alot to me. I find the themes to help me with my martial arts as well.

I'll upload the final ones tomarrow.


mr polite, as I have already mentioned, your work is tremendous and heart-warming, however the only download I have been able to get working was your initial Ryu Meditation theme, and since then I have not been able to download any other of your skilled work :D, lol. But seriously it denies me access every single time I try it. It says "Download-session invalid" with every mirror I try... Help please.
However, this does not affect my upmost respect for your kind and friendly acts of bringing the youth back into the IMDb society, like I and the previous poster before you, forgot his name lol, Share the same thoughts of gratitude and respect for you.


Just as a suggestion, I know that some people can't use Rapidshare and encounter the same problem that Coldheart-Canyon does. Using would allow the files to be uploaded and to my knowledge no problems have been reported for that site. I hope this can help out.


I'm thinking of making a .rar collection of all the mp3s, and using a different site, so that everyone can download it. Expect it later today. It'll include all the new themes from the movie as well as all versions of the Ryu Theme from last year.


Is it possible for you to upload the song from the Vega/Chun-Li battle please?? I absolutely love that song!!!


Yeh mattzo2k2, right here lol


Also here is the link for all the tracks by bands like Alice In Chains etc.
For those who cannot, or cannot be bothered to scan P2P.

(The .rar file is the complete artist soundtrack for Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie)



Well, I finished up 3 more songs and compiled all of the tracks from the last week into a handy rar file. I did Dhalsim's theme, which turned out pretty good, the song that plays at the end when the helicopters blow up Shadow Law headquarters which also turned out okay, and the entire track from the final battle. The final battle track is the 16 minute source music straight from the movie. It has a few random sound effects here and there, but overall it's quite good. The entire score is about 53 minutes. Now we finally have the soundtrack to the whole movie! It was a lot of work, but totally worth it. Thanks for your support, everyone! A lot of people have asked for this over the years, and now they have it (even if it is somewhat bootleggish). ;)

Enjoy! With Coldheart Canyon's link to all the band music, and now the entirity of the original score, the full Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie soundrack is at your fingertips. The entire soundtrack is in the following file.

Full soundtrack score:



Thanks Man, now I have the ENTIRE!! Soundtrack!

You do not know how much this means to me, and how grateful I am for it. I am forever in your debt mr polite. You are truly a god among men.

Thankyou so much again, lol.




Mr Polite can you please post the last 3 tracks apart online because i have the other tacks already and it takes a long time for me to download stuff. Thanks!


Thanks :)


Mr Polite, you are a true legend, thak you for all the work you have done. Could you put "The Ultimate Ryu's Theme" on another download link such as sendspace as rapidshare does not work for me. Thanks



Can't believe it, been searching for this tune for years!! I love the movie and the soundtrack, but the Ryu Theme to me is the real gem. It has an uplifting spiritual quality to it.

Thanks again.


Hi there! Could you please reupload all 3 songs? Tks in advance :D Merry X-Mas


OK We have all the US Score and teh US soundtrack, but what about the JP score/sountrack?

It is different right? I found a torrent but it was not seeded.


There's a link to the Japanese soundtrack somewhere on this forum. Just search a little bit. It was pretty recent.

Here's the link to the new Ryu Theme:


For the full, definitive, lol soundtrack for Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie, click the below link to download



hi guys

i v got all the songs except "smokin Suckaz - "Cuz I'm like dat" could someone plz upload it separately for me

i v got a good connection so i tried to download the link by Coldheart-Canyon but the rar file seems to be corrupted i couldn't extract anything from it i v downloaded it several times with the same results,

so plz plz do this for me


Here you go, and my .rar IS NOT corrupt, I have had plenty successful downloads with it. :D


then it could be somthing wrong with my connection download sites have an allergy to our network cos of our nearly hysterically paranoid amount of security, our network administrator is a security freak.

anyway this link worked thanx a gazillion

- this is probably sf2 was the second anime i ever saw (the 1st being akira) and i v been lookin for the soundtrack ever since, i first looked at the credits screen which got cut halfway (i was watching an edited copy - probably a tape convert) - then i asked the heavy metal buffs i knew - they got me "alice in chains-them bones" & "korn-blind" they had no idea what the others were - that was 8 yrs ago and about 5 years ago when kazaa was free i found "kmfdm-ultra", that was it...

untill now thanx 2 you guys


OMG, this is awesome!

So many years and finally a good version of the Ryu vs Sagat theme!

Listening to it right now (I hope it gets to the cool title screen bit)


Yup! The Ryu vs Sagat Theme is really cool. I played it in the background watching old Bruce Lee movies, it was interesting. The Fei Long music too. ^_^



I wonder if you can upload the Jap Soundtrack with certain songs seperatley like you did with the the U.S. Soundtrack.

Could you do that please?

Like they say,Love Hurts!


Some guy in another thread about the Japanese soundtrack had a link to a page that had them all separately.


hey could you repost the ryu vs sagat theme



Thanks mr_polite!!! mr_polite by name... mr_polite by nature! A total gentleman :)

You've done something that a LOT of people appreciate!! I was hoping to get this music for ages!!


Thanks again!

The New Mr


Seeing that people like it is enough thanks for me.

If you're The New Mr, then am I The Old Mr?


Mr. the Elder, Mr. the Younger =]


Sorry I haven´t posted in a while guys, I am on holiday at the moment, using a hotel computer and I won´t be back until 24th August, and even then my internet has stopped working. But I will be getting a new ISP a.s.a.p. So I thought i´d post here to prevent any worries, lol.

Speak to you all soon,



Thanks for the heads-up, Coldheart.


Mr Polite, forgive me if i'm wrong but i was watching the movie today and i was thinking that you forgot to make the music you hear during the fight between Bison and Ken on the wing of Bison's airplane and the music you hear when Guile drives to the hospital.


Both of those had a lot of sound effects, and the Ken one had talking on the audio tracks I used. Therefore, they wouldn't have sounded that good.


why cant i download the songs? it says im a BOT :S
stupid rapidshare


Maybe you typed in the letters/numbers incorrectly? They're really faint, once I typed 8 when it was a B



hehe. Just a conincedence in nicknaming. Tried to make The_Mr as my yahoo ID about 10 years ago but it was taken. Maybe it was you :)


Lol, no. I'm Mr Polite on all my accounts. :)


dude, you rock man! ive been looking all over the internet for the songs thanks a BUNCH man!


No problem, bud. Glad I could help!


I'm Back guys, with my internet fully working, and ready to serve the IMDb'ers.

Miss me??

Thought not....


I did, in a strange sorta way, haha!


Lol, thanks man, By the way if you or anyone on this thread needs any help, just holla, ok?

You are a great guy, mr_polite!


Mr Polite let me just say that you are a GOD for doing this you are a pure GOD, Shin Akuma. but forgive me, there is just one thing i ask is there any way you can get 1 song from Street fighter II V, its the Hadou Theme but its slightly different. it was used when Ken uses his new power shardo harU ken, after he has broken out of the chains. i have all the other back ground songs from street fighter II V but that. oh please mighty god can you help?


I got one that's called "Hadou Ken" that's 1 minute and 50 seconds. Is that it? (I never saw SFV)


i think thats what its called, well i hope so. would you be able to put a link up on that please if you could, cos that was 1of my fav songs from street fighter 2V. i have the soundtrack but that song was not on there :-(


there was one song that was ryu's hadou theme on the soundtrack but that was not it, that is 1m 50sec as well. but it was the same theme it just had more of a faster tone and had more interments in it and had a flute playing in it. ps you really should see street fighter 2 V it was gd.


also do you have plans to rip the Street fighter Alpha movie soundtrack?


Hi dragon,
hey that's cool! I know which song you mean (the faster Hadou theme) but I found that one never anywhere else. sorry, I can't help you with that one, I also have only the short version which Mr. Polite mentioned.
but something else:
you say you have ALL the other background songs from streetfighter 2 v??? CAN THIS BE TRUE?? I'm a big fan of this series as well, and there are some songs I have been looking for for years.
1. The slow song that plays when Master Yo from the teahouse gatheres Qi and speaks to Ryu. it has Chinese intruments and is a very quite song, like Tai Chi music. it also plays when Ryu wakes up at the beach after firing off his Hadoken into the waves of the ocean.
2. another slow song, I think it only plays one time: when Ryu drives home in a cab from his visit at Master Yo. it plays when Ryu is sitting in the cab and holds the Dharma scroll in his hands, just smiling and saying nothing. you know?
3. a faster orchestral song which plays more often throughout the series. for example right before the fight Ryu VS Sagat in the prison, or when Ryu fights Ken in this cave in India. It's a rather dramatic song.

and there are some more songs I'm looking for, could you PLEASE PLEASE tell me which songs you have from sf2v? which songs are on your soundtrack? apart from Hadou I only have the beginning and ending songs.

another note for you: the sf alpha soundtrack is out there, I had it once but gave it away (because I really didn't like the music that much). so there is no need to rip the music from that one.

Oh, and Mr. Polite, yeah... go and watch sf 2 V! it's worth it!


Hi david-krug-1 well here is the link where i got the street fighter 2V soundtrack. click on the free part then wait 90sec then you can download

i need to watch sfV again to remember how the songs sounded like, but this link is the proper back ground music that was released with 32tracks, people have said that some songs are not on there but its better than nothing. when you download i think track 19 is one of the songs you are looking for i might be wrong but it was used when ken was tied down then gets out by collected key. but have fun with this soundtrack dude.

i have been looking for the sf alpha movie soundtrack for years and still can't find it, there is a few songs i love from there do you know of any links to it?


Hey my friend, thank you LOADS for this link!! I'm downloading it right now =)
I don't have any links for the alpha soundtrack, but I found it once on emule. it is there, you might just have to be patient.
thank you again!!


The song I have is track 1 on the download you made. Thanks for the download though. Sorry I didn't have the one you were looking for. And no, I don't have any plan to rip any more of the soundtracks.

I'll watch V if I get the chance. I hear it's pretty good.


Thanks a lot Mr Polite. I've ripped music from films before but I don't know how the hell you do it without getting the background sounds in as well. You're a genius.

Now I'm off to download the Japanese soundtrack as I do prefer that overall. Especially the scene where Ryu does a dragon punch on the mountain and starts thinking about old times! THe English one is great though as well thanks a lot!


the sf2 V score is great, but unfortunately two of the songs I liked most in the series are missing (like dragon has mentioned before, not all songs are included... what a shame again).
looks like I will start to get into the subject that Mr. Polite mastered and try to rip the missing sf2 V songs myself. might take some time though... some veeery long time... hehe :-)


The only way my technique works is if the DVD has 5.1 sound.


damn... the sft 2 V dvd boxset is only in stereo :-(

but it has two optional languages, japanese and english, both with the same music score. does that help in any way?


It could, but unlikely. Lines are usually spoken at the same time.


yeah, I see.



If you look through the entire thread (lol I know its long) someone else has put it up on rapidshare, thats how I got it anyway. One of the other users has a valid link which is still working (well it was about 2 days ago)


this link is working, to save you time lol...every1 needs this soundtrack


Lol, thanks for keeping on top of it, guys.


Lol, I see my uploaded .rar file has been put to good use, 50 downloads so far.




It's all based on how the 5.1 dolby sound system is set up for DVDs. Since most movies that are 5.1 put the sound effects and dialogue in the center channel, it's easy to extract that. All I did was take the front-left and front-right channels and edit those, since they don't have very many sounds effects, mostly just music. You could do it with almost any 5.1 DVD.



Older versions of what?


I'd guess he's talking about the older sf2 dvds without 5.1.
it won't work with those I believe.


If that's the case, then no. Otherwise I would've done it sooner! ^_^


this is one music never heard, nobody have a version of this music here???????

if somebody have do a upload for us pls


I can't understand what you mean. Please be clearer.


I didn't get anything either.



there are a few more mising:

a piece that I think was played only once, when Ryu left from Yo's teashop and sat in that cab/taxi driving to meet the others again. he was holding the scroll Yo gave him in his hands in this scene. I really liked that one, just like the teashop theme mentioned above... it's a shame they are missing.

the funny piece of music that popped up from time to time, whenever something humorous happened, i.e. in the very first episode when the old man thought Ryu got hit by the falling tree, until Ryu stuck his head out through the leaves.

they are a few more, but I can't rememember atm :(


looks like i was a little late on the download-fest.. none of the links work anymore. could someone please send my a link for ryu's theme that still works?

[email protected]



You can get it in the full soundtrack from one of the other recent threads. Says "2CD fan made soundtrack" or something.


I was looking for the entire soudtrack of Street Fighter II animated movie. Can anybody give me a link for each track or for the entire music.
I would apreached some help.

Any links send to [email protected]

P.S: I would prefered the track of "ken and ryu flashback"
