MovieChat Forums > Showgirls (1995) Discussion > Elizabeth Berkleys performance

Elizabeth Berkleys performance

I just have to start off by saying that I think Berkley was amazing in this movie. I realize this is not a very popular opinion, but just bare with me. It seems that even fans of the movie think that Berkley gives a bad performance. And people who are not fans of the movie flat out hate her perfomance. However, I think that people just hate the character. Nomi Malone is bitchy, clinacly insane and not very likeable. Characters like this, usually aren't the protagonists. And after watching interviews with EB, I was able to see how commited she was to her role. And it really does show in the movie. Although she doesn't act like anyone I've ever met, she rarely seems disengenious (and when she does it appears to be more of a directorial thing) and her character traits are consistant and make sense within the sleazy world of "Showgirls".
So do you agree with me, or do you just think that Berkley does a bad job? I'm really curious to hear peoples opinions.


Yeah, same. I really didn't have much of a problem with her performance at all. She was quite good, actually.


I completely agree, I've never understood the hate towards her performance.

I 100% believed she was her character whilst watching the film and not an actress. Compare that to a much heralded performance like Portman in Leon/The Professional. Portman is great, has incredible presence, etc... BUT you can basically tell she's reciting lines all the same, you can't fully suspend disbelief. Whilst watching Showgirls I thought I was looking into their world for a couple of hours and could completely believe it. It's a great performance.



When I hear "terrible performance", I think of someone who cannot emote. She was fine.


Maybe that is the problem Nomi (or EB’s portrayal of her) is very unlikable and unsympathetic. I think you need a character people want to root for and with Nomi you just don’t care what happens to her.


I want the bitch to get cut.
