I cannot believe people like this movie
This movie is a huge misguided waste. From the cheesy, few, and far between special effects to the ridiculous borrowed from a 100 movies characters, terrible sets including basically just a crappy area of some city in the winter I couldn't believe how bad this was. There's almost no action, the dialogue sux, Peter Weller tries too hard to be a badass, they got the Snake Plissken/Clint Eastwood wannabe dude with the cheesy ski bum shades, you could tell that there was something weird about the kid right away, you got your basic creepy kids walking slowly at you posing absolutely no threat, I mean this thing just SUCKS!!!!!! You keep waiting for something to happen and you're never rewarded with much and you don't really care. I kept thinking that everyone involved knew it was total crap. One of the worst movies I've seen in ages.