Was Ross a Screamer?

Jason, who we find out is a screamer himself much later in the film, suggested that Ross was a screamer based on repetition and limitations in vocabulary, namely he kept saying in respose to Jason to "get off my back".

When Ross is killed we find out that he bleeds like a human indicating at the time with the information we knew about the screamers that he was in fact human, but towards the end of the movie we find out that the more advanced type screamers can bleed red blood as well as a number of other humanoid things. If we use this logic and trace it back could it be applied to Ross? was he also a screamer? and if so was Jason willing to spare one of his own kind to avoid suspension from the others? Even though he was immediately questioned of his motives right after killing Ross, but he was obviously advanced and intelligent because he got out of that one too.

People kill people so I dont see why screamers cant kill other fellow screamers as indicated in the very last scene of the movie...

Say 'No' to rubber generic Robots as seen in RoboCop 2014


Yes I'm almost certain he was. The machines had already invaded that place and wiped out the original NEB troops, then took on their appearances in order to lure others in. Jason turned out to be wearing the face of Marshall Richard Cooper, the leader of the NEB troops, and no doubt that girl and Ross also had once been living members of the NEB. If Ross had been a living guy, I can't see how he wouldn't notice that Jason looked exactly like Marshall Richard Cooper.


I doubt he was a screamer. Can't imagine a knife would stop the Jessica Screamer, or the Becker screamer. I think they just tagged along with Ross (or let him tag along)

But then again, if Ross was a NEB, wouldn't he recognize the Marshall Richard Cooper face on Becker?

"Every day humans come one step closer to self-destruction." - Albert Wesker


I'm going to say no on the basis he doesn't emerge as one later in the movie.


I'm going to say no on the basis a screamer could never fake being quite so annoying as the Ross character. Hate to say it, but it was a relief when he got the knife in the guts, which finally shut him up.🐭


No, he wasn't a screamer. If he would've been, we would have seen clues about it after his "death". There weren't any.

Besides, the limited vocabulary would indicate an older model; the most advanced models that could bleed didn't repeat the same thing again and again.


It is understandable for Ross to be emotionally scarred by what he has seen, and be this itchy, nervous character. Something significant for the screamers, I would say, is their inability to express fear. They have learned to fake hate and love but their emotional spectrum isn't as varied as a humans. My answer is no, Ross wasn't a screamer (a nervous type who you would suspect being a screamer isn't as useful ..as a screamer).
