''Rebels whoa re right in principle can still commit atrocities and war crimes''
I agree with this, it is a sad reality of war. Guerrilla fighters, for instance, are often violent especially as they are unable to take prisoners.
''With Historical fiction anyway, contemporary fiction is filled in every era including under British Imperialism which examples of writers vilifying those rebelling against occupation. This also includes our modern War on Terror.''
I don't agree here. British Imperialism does play a part in the WOT, but US Imperialism even more so.
''Churchill added to those sins helping bring WWII about''
I'll not argue against that. He also suggested gassing African natives.
''he Scottish people where oppressed by the British Empire, regardless of their Monarch being technically united. James I actually did not want them permanently united.''
Agreed, but only as much as England as a whole was too. Northumberland, Yorkshire and anywere outside of London rarely benefited from empire. That said, we all benefited more than those outside of Great Britain.
''But once the Glorious Revolution happened and then the Bank of England was set up Scotland became an occupied territory, regardless of what propaganda says.''
Scotland has as much hand in the oppression of all subjects under the empire as England does. Some of the major orchestrator of the Empire were from Scotland. It is very wrong, and a form of propaganda, to think that England occupies and oppresses Scotland. And the English people never asked to be ruled by a Scottish monarch in the first place. Fact is that the house of Stuart believed in the concept of Britain as a country and thus just say England, Wales and Scotland as the same land. Of course, London would benefit more than other areas as it was a capital. To say that Edinburgh didn't benefit from being the capital of the north, and home to one of the major universities in Great Britain (and one of the primary reasons many Scots were leaders of the Empire) would be a fallacy.
Formerly KingAngantyr