This is a good question, OP.
To respond to Gary-161 though, I've seen most of Victor Salva's films(not purposely though), and whether consciously or unconsciously, a lot of the themes/motifs/imagery seem to stem from his pedophilia. Jeepers Creepers 1-2, a monster that preys on children, Peaceful Warrior, an old man mentors a young boy, the boy also fights against his "shadow" self at one point if I'm not mistaken, effectively exercising his demons.
To answer the initial question, I think that art or a message can transcend its creator and exist seperately from them. I might be stretching things a bit with this comparison, but there supposedly exist large amounts of FBI files on Martin Luther King JR and his infedility and other shortcomings. I'm not sure if these files have been released yet but they were previously sealed until quite a ways into the future, likely to preserve King's legacy and dodge the potential fallout.
To get to my point, do you think that anything they could potentially reveal about MLK now would have any effect whatsoever on the final outcome of the Civil Rights Movement? Do the ideals he stood for become any less true or just because of the actions of one man?
And yes, I realize that comparing MLK and Civil Rights Movement to a pedophiliac horror movie director is quite a stretch. I think it would be more relevant to apply this to someone like Roman Polanski, who has made films that are considered masterpieces. It's a difficult subject though. Vincent Van Gogh is still as synonymous with his Starry Night as he is known for cutting his ear off.
For the final word though, even if we as spectators can't separate the art from the artist within our own minds, doesn't mean that they don't exist as separate entities.
As an addendum, in an interview with David Lynch, he describes meditation and compares creativity to fishing. The thought being that the ideas existed before they were "caught". Jack White, musician of The White Stripes fame, describes creativity in a similar way, he says that musicians don't so much create songs as they guide them into existence. I understand that these comparisons verge a bit into the metaphysical realm but it's another way to look at the subject.