MovieChat Forums > Nine Months (1995) Discussion > Did anyone get pissed when...

Did anyone get pissed when...

... when Gail (Joan Cusack) made a slur and comment negatively about artists? I think if anyone said that to me, I'd be really pissed.
"You keep this up your're gonna die alone, like a dog, like a bum like Van Gough"
I don't like it when people curse artists like that.


I thought you were going to say when the whore at the party throws the cat. D:


Yeah, her treatment of the cat annoyed me, too. Realizing it's not reality, though, and that the cat's owner surely made sure it was caught gently, I accepted it as the way the writer established the woman's nature.


Van Gogh died a bum and alone. So it's not a negative slur, it's fact.

The midget I'm dating could be my daughter! ~Denny Crane



Sorry. Vincent Van Gogh.



Van G did die alone but was SICK. I feel more compassion.
he was depressed. and depression is a real illness condition.
i didn't like that slur either, but ehhh...its a movie.


To me, it just shows what a useless, ignorant cunt she is. Typical breeder. The comment doesn't offend me in the least. She, and the many women like her, do.



Gail wasn't attacking Van Gogh. She was attacking her brother for attacking her and her family with his remark about 'too many starving children'.


Not to mention she was telling the truth. He makes no money, and was alienating his only family.

Anyone who has a family knows just what to say to hurt them, and cut them down a bit. I thought this was actually the truest dialog in the film.




i did... but you know she's practically a baby factory so she's contributing more to society (sarcasm here), who cares about art, huh? she can make baybees, thats her talent!

I couldn't hear my own footsteps. It was the walk of a dead man.


i did... but you know she's practically a baby factory so she's contributing more to society (sarcasm here), who cares about art, huh? she can make baybees, thats her talent!
I thought that part was ridiculous. As if someone who doesn't have kids isn't making contributions to the world. Gail's kids were a bunch of brats, not contributions. Honestly (this may offend some people, so I apologize in advance), unless that baby grows up to be the next Einstein or Picasso, or otherwise someone who really makes a positive contribution to society, it's really not a contribution. It's just adding more people to an already overpopulated world, that don't really need to be here.

I hate when people act like those who don't want kids are "selfish." In actuality, one can actually argue that it is selfish to have your own kids. There are (as Sean said) too many starving children in the world - why not adopt one of them instead of having your own, if you really want to make a contribution? The answer is this: because most people have a selfish desire to procreate with their own genes. And yes, it is selfish. It may be the most wonderful kind of selfish, but it is selfish to have a kid just because you want your genes to be passed on when you could otherwise adopt a child that you could love just as much.



Although I do agree with your point, I think it was pretty big of her brother to talk about anyone else's life seeing as how he doesn't really contribute to anything. He is mooching in his parent's house and acted like a arrogant jerk. I got the impression that due to the fact that he was an "artist" he seemed to look down at his sister, despite the fact that she was the only family he had. Sure, his sister was a "baby-maker" but then again I think that it was pretty big of her brother to say anything.


Yes but did she have to do this in front of everyone? Her children were jerks, he told her that and she flipped and started to curse him out. She completely overreacted. And in the process made everyone very uncomfortable.


Having four kids doesn't exactly qualify her as a "baby factory". And it wasn't Seans lack of kids that wasn't "contributing to society." NOTHING about him contributed in any positive way. He's a middle aged perpetual womanizer with a Peter Pan complex who produces second rate art while he lives off inherited wealth. This guy doesn't even pay his own bills.

Also I don't think wanting to have children is a "selfish desire to procreate". Humanity needs to have children. If everyone just adopts the ones who are already here, the species will become extinct. Most people don't have the thought "Gee, I'd like to pass on my genes" lurking in the back of their minds when they decide to have a baby.

A Marine's Daughter! USA!!



LOL I had to laugh at your "if everyone adopts, the species will become extinct." There is NO danger of human beings becoming extinct. The population was 2 billion in 1927, 6 billion in 1999, and is expected to hit 9 million just a little after 2030. There are WAY too many people here, and it is really taking a toll on our planet. If people would stop being selfish and reproducing WAY too much, we might be able to get the earth to an acceptable condition again.

And people are obsessed with passing on their genes. I don't know of many people who adopt for the sake of adopting, they usually adopt as a last resort because they couldn't produce their own kids for whatever reason. That is selfish and sad in my opinion. Passing on DNA is more important to people than saving the lives of children who need to be saved. And I'm not judging anyone - I'm just pointing out another perspective. People have the right to make their own decisions about children without being judged, but that extends to those who choose to remain child free as well. If there are ignorant people who have the nerve to call child free people selfish, there is an equally valid argument that states that the breeders are the selfish ones.

Long story short, people should just respect other people's decisions about THEIR OWN LIVES.



My thoughts exactly! The "plenty of starving kids who need a good home " is a myth or it wouldn't take years and/or tens of thousands of dollars to adopt. Her brother wasn't any more interesting than she was. He was a sub-par painter and there are probably thousands more unwanted paintings in this world than there are unwanted children.
That said. I don't think it's selfish either way to want or not want to have children. Society should be respectful of both choices.

The end of the shoelace is called the...


Yeah, four kids is baby factory zone. Two kids is enough for any two people. We are overpopulated. There is no risk of extinction. We are overshooting the carrying capacity of the planet - thousand lines of evidence on that one. Please get your tubes tied, lady.


Definitely. I mean, he did nothing to warrant that kind of lashing. I have an estranged sister who's even more emotionally unstable and the separation was for the best. That said, Gail popped out tons in her litter and obviously couldn't parent worth a crap so being alone would be favorable if THAT was the alternative; they lost track of their kids and they were ill mannered little brats and reading things that were (putting it lightly) very inappropriate.

Edit: Not to mention... it was NOW HIS house..not their dead parents. They chose to give it to him for a reason... and seeing her instability they made the right call.

"Weaponry..its the way to get it done! Weaponry..its effective and its fun!"



No. She had a valid point. I'm sure you're a very talented artist, but there are millions more unwanted paintings/sculptures/potteries in the world than there are unwanted children.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


Yeah, well, unwanted art pieces don't suck up resources like humans. There are way ytoo many of us, and 4 kids for two people is outrageous for today. The only way she should have 4 kids is if she has 3 husbands and they have no other kids, ever. It's still more than enough. ONe per person is more than enough.
