My opinion of this movie has changed somewhat from when it first came out to now. It is still good, but the one thing that keeps me from rating it excellent is Mr. Holland's treatment of his son Cole, who is deaf. Holland loved his son no doubt, but his frustration toward him much of the time made it seemed that their relationship was strained at best. He could have spent more time learning how to not only sign to him, but how to teach him the love of music. Granted this came about later on in the film, but it was not without a great deal of conflict and argument. Holland and the doctor I felt had the biggest attitudinal barriers toward Cole of anyone in the film, and tended to go with the "status quo" at the time of what they felt a person like Cole was capable and not capable of doing. At best, Holland did the bare minimum while wife Iris did most of the work teaching their son how to communicate, I cannot disagree how Cole and Iris felt Holland cared more about teaching his typical students than he did about his own son. Actions speak louder than words, and his behavior showed that even if it was not his intention. Nonetheless, Holland became a good teacher over time and a somewhat better father. I would still give the film a rating in the B range, but I like to be nice!