Rowena Sequence
I just got done watching this after not seeing it for a few years. I realized that the Rowena Morgan sequence in the film should have just been scrapped and maybe focused more on the fact that the Holland's have a deaf son. That was 30 minutes of really not having any reason to the plot (He didn't got to New York with her). So in my opinion, if there was no Rowena sequence, I don't think we'd be missing any important plot to the film.
It always bugged that here is the irony of a music teacher/compose who's life is music, and then when he becomes a father, that son would not be able to hear any of his work. And yet, most of the film, he is a Dad who couldn't even be close to his son because of it. He didn't even learn sign language enough to really communicate with him and I felt wasn't a good Dad by basically ignoring him most of the time.
I really wish the writers could have done the deaf school performance when Cole was younger and could show him that while he couldn't hear and be able to know what his dad did everyday, that he still loved Cole no matter what and that Mr. Holland would have had the idea to have Cole sit on the speaker to feel the beat of the music so that he could understand what it is like. You'd think that a brilliant composer/music teacher could have thought of that!
If they took out the 30 minute, unnecessary plot of Rowena, and focused more on the plot of the music teacher/Dad with a deaf son, it would have been better.
I did like the film, but felt it was way too long, and the whole Rowena part could have been scrapped, and we wouldn't have missed any real important part to the story.