Why The Low Rating?

I love this movie. Nick Cage was great as Little Junior. The cast is also outstanding. Give Kiss Of Death a chance.



Given its popularity and its entertainment value it seems to be about 0.5 too low for me. Not counting the ending the story is original and quite interesting.

There are many really silly thrillers with high ratings on IMDB.



David Caruso uncensored!!!!

For all those not too fond of David Caruso....

So, I may appear guilty to you - prove it!!


I can't figure out why this film is not ranked higher, it was very well made and acted, excellent script

“Do not fear death... only the unlived life.” - Natalie Babbitt


guess too many people had too many fond memories of the 1947 original, which had only 3 scenes with violence, no sex, was in black and white, but had truly memorable characters, gorgeous b/w photography and the utterly fantastic Richard Widmark...


Because I laughed the whole way through. This movie was retarded

"Are you a real redhead? How do I tell if you're a real redhead?" - Dallas 'Dally' Winston




