Do feminists also think about the MOTIVATION factor here?
In the discussion for this film's most disturbing and controversial scene, the r-worded deed (and yes I know what it is but feel shy to type it out loud), I have heard that when feminists say its about power, and not sex, they are not giving the DICTIONARY definition of it. Fine, it is what it is, I respect that fact and besides, the DICTIONARY definition of it, BESIDES law, feelings of hurt and victimhood, despising the perpetrator, saying (RIGHTLY) but commonly "its bad, don't do it" AND saying its ABOUT power, has always been what it was. "Forced sexual contact perpetrated by one party against another without that person's consent". That's truism and fact. Yes. BUT...
So they say its ABOUT POWER, OK it is. With THAT statement...
Are they also saying the perpetrator is MOTIVATED by power, which means in this case, perhaps, intention to hurt and humiliate? And that sex here is a means to an end but not an end itself? Don't get anyone wrong, it would be bad no matter WHAT the motivation was. Even if he wanted sex but was just careless to ask for consent, it would still be truly terrible and make the individual bad and whatnot. But then I often hear many if not all cases where such perpetrators do it out of pure desire to hurt and humiliate the victim rather than, however selfishly, "have sex with them".
So my question is - by saying "ITS ABOUT POWER, not sex", are they also explaining the MOTIVATION for the deed and stating WHY IT HAPPENS? Thanks.
P.S. We often hear how in court law won't care and give an excuse for this and that were something to happen and was someone to do something bad and illegal. TRUE! However, out of sheer curiosity, and in sexual abuse and r*pe cases as such, has a judge, police officer, criminal psychologist, and say in typical examples like shown here, ever asked the perpetrator or defendant "Why did you do it, why did you rape her?", after establishing OFFICIAL guilt, in order to UNDERSTAND the motivation behind it, BESIDES OBVIOUSLY THINKING THEY WERE WRONG AND BAD AND CRIMINALLY OFFENSIVE ETC ETC ETC TO DO IT "IN THE FIRST PLACE", which is a given of course.