How does any of what happened remotely justify the rape and murder of a little girl?
I've seen stories like this where a white man/boy does monstrous things as a consequence of terrible formative experiences (including false allegations), i.e. Veronica Mars and Beverley Hills 90210. Maybe that white dude started off as a sweet innocent individual, but the film/TV show doesn't let them off the hook for proceeding to become a monster, particularly where they commit a crime as awful as rape, just because of what was *done to them*. And the same applies here; as soon as Blair Underwood's character is revealed to be the villain, we never get any redemptive or expository scene about how his actions/psyche were a 'product of the system.' Even as a staunch liberal who's LONG argued that crime is often a manifestation of negative experiences, and that most serious criminals are *made* NOT born, I still don't see how one can mitigate/excuse such evil. We can understand why a person has turned out this way, and even feel a little sorry for them, but NEVER argue that it stands to reason they'll become rapists/murderers/child molesters. Not ALL victims of formative abuse and injustice become monsters. Most of us become emotional cripples, but we still maintain our sense of morality and decency.