MovieChat Forums > Just Cause (1995) Discussion > One of the most openly right-wing Hollyw...

One of the most openly right-wing Hollywood movies in recent years?

The black guy is ultimately discovered to be guilty of violent crimes against women, the corrupt and violent sheriff's methods are vindicated, and the liberal anti-death penalty advocate is forced to question his principles.


but it aimed at "liberal" audience, since they used the racial card for the twist, while the right wing won't enjoy the movie since they know black cosbys are raping our women and we should burn their 8 black churches.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


I'm a liberal & I welcome any well-made points of view. I enjoyed seeing Underwood, playing something besides his 'pretty black man' usual. I'll bet he appreciated the opportunity, too.

Carpe Noctem!


How is any of that 'right-wing'??

Creasy: Okay, my friend. It's off to the next life for you. I guarantee you, you won't be lonely..


Any movie where non-whites are committing crimes and being punished is "right-wing" to today's weirdo community.

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈


I may be wrong, but I think that sometimes, black men are in fact guilty of the crimes they are accused of..




He was guilty of the rape and murder of the little girl. He was innocent of the accusation of Rape while in college. Anyone with some deceny can see that the ends don't justify the means. The Justice system created a monster. Despite the fact that the false accusations rape case was thrown out. Since it was clear the woman lied because she saw her old highschool sweet heart who had became a deputy. Embarrassed in the moment to be caught having sex with a black man in his car, She lied. The prosecutor wanted to show she was tough on crime in the good old boy south. That one overnight in jail was time for some of the local cops to beat and castrate him. After that ordeal of being physically emasculated. He loses his scholarship. He sent back to his backwoods small town to brood over the Injustice done to him and a very small outlook on life to look forward to.


How does any of what happened remotely justify the rape and murder of a little girl?

I've seen stories like this where a white man/boy does monstrous things as a consequence of terrible formative experiences (including false allegations), i.e. Veronica Mars and Beverley Hills 90210. Maybe that white dude started off as a sweet innocent individual, but the film/TV show doesn't let them off the hook for proceeding to become a monster, particularly where they commit a crime as awful as rape, just because of what was *done to them*. And the same applies here; as soon as Blair Underwood's character is revealed to be the villain, we never get any redemptive or expository scene about how his actions/psyche were a 'product of the system.' Even as a staunch liberal who's LONG argued that crime is often a manifestation of negative experiences, and that most serious criminals are *made* NOT born, I still don't see how one can mitigate/excuse such evil. We can understand why a person has turned out this way, and even feel a little sorry for them, but NEVER argue that it stands to reason they'll become rapists/murderers/child molesters. Not ALL victims of formative abuse and injustice become monsters. Most of us become emotional cripples, but we still maintain our sense of morality and decency.


Look, "HarveyManfredSin" on Imdb before he lost it on MC!


Eh? 🤷‍♂️


I started reading this thinking it was a new thread cos've HarveyName
then saw "8 years ago"

well we learned one thing - Harvey is at least 8 years old



I'm the updated Harvey bot.


It’d be nice if you edited your OP title to add a spoiler warning for revealing the entire plot, sub plot and plot twist.
