7.1 wtf??

this was terrible, cheesy and badly acted.


It starts out great, I thought I was in for a real treat but the movie never delivers on its early promise. By the time it ended abruptly I didn't have much of a response. I enjoyed enough of it to give it 6/10.


I agree. I thought it was corny and generic. I'm surprised it's loved as much as it is. I'd give it a 4.5 to 5/10 tops.


It’s a real oddity, a mix of good and bad elements. The cast is amazing - Charlton Heston!? David Warner!? What are they doing in this eccentric low budget B-horror?

Sam Neil is always watchable but his accent is very choppy here. Unfortunately he had minus chemistry with ‘Styles’ who was terribly acted.

Prochnow was great but a bit of a corny villain. The creature effects were mediocre and quite a step down for Neil, who was fending off revolutionary CGI dinosaurs the year before.

I liked the eeriness of the town, and how the film kept taking surprising turns. It was so mindbending I still don’t entirely understand everything but I kinda like that. Oddly, little things like that creepy black church during the daytime was far more unnerving than all the monsters and splatter.

Overall I enjoyed it and at 90mins it doesn’t ask too much, and really kicks you in the nuts, leaving a strong nightmarish flavour.


I gave it an 8/10. I thought the reality bending storyline was fairly original and more than made up for any shortcoming in the effects.
