John Singleton's "Higher Learning" (1995) turned out to be prophetic. (Spoilers)
For many years since seeing it, I had considered Higher Learning a well-made, well-acted satire of racism that was rooted in conditions prior to its release rather than something that was relevant in 1995. But fast forward to two decades later, and the rise of fascism in America under Donald Trump has completely turned over the rock of this country, exposing unimaginable ugliness into the light of day. As it turns out Higher Learning was not only completely literal and on-point, but gruesomely prophetic.share
We have had multiple terrorist attacks in this country committed by - you guessed it - Neo-Nazi gangs and individuals inspired by them, and just recently a massacre at a high school by a disaffected young man who found friendship online among such people. This after years of the assumption that racism had virtually all been subsumed into subtle unfairness and unconscious prejudices.