I realize it is July 19, 2006 and these issues were discussed last year but I'm going to comment on a few things regardless. I agree with "ajatcollege" when he says "....black prejudice/discrimination is a direct reaction to white racism." I don't mean to offend anyone however I hope that these few comments will cause everyone to think.
As I said, I agree with the previous comment. The difficult thing for white people to understand is that they can never TRULY understand what it is to be a minority. If a white man goes to a conference, for example, that includes predominately black attendees as well as presenters, it may be uncomfortable for a little while. Let's go as far as to say a few comments were mad against the white male. After a period of time, his anger will dissipate. WHY? He won't face it again? Please understand, minorities (blacks) face it more frequently. After a period of time, it causes bitterness, anger, and resentment. I'll use this term lightly, but this is "your world." You face opposition when it comes to opportunities but black people have to work twice as hard in proving ourselves. Where I work, I offer ideas, I am a team player, I try to suggest what would work best for the company as a whole. Time and time again, I am rejected. I notice that years later, the idea "pops up" and it's implemented. It isn't about credit (in this regard) but I stated that more because I began to notice my ideas were rejected not because of the content but because of my color. Sorry, got off track...
When it comes to Affirmative Action, many (not all) white people say that it should be dismissed, it limits opportunities for others. Some black people didn't have the chance to attend private schools but that doesn't mean they are not intelligent. Though college entrance is based on grades, there are factors that may have prohibited SOME people from getting better grades. For example, I know some who raised their brothers/sisters while working and though education should have been a priority, it wasn't always possible to deem it so. Does that mean that this person wasn't able to perform in college? NO! In fact, this person is doing very well for himself! Anyway, dismissal of Affirmative Action sounds prejudicial/racist to me. Think about it!
As far as this movie...take it from me, a black female who attended a Big Ten, predominately white university. THIS STUFF HAPPENS!!! At our university, there wasn't a "violent shooting," however there were fights, there was unequal behavior from the campus police!! It still exists. Just because you can't wrap your mind around it doesn't mean it doesn't happen! Did anyone see "Black White" produced by Ice Cube that aired on FX? This involved several people who lived in "opposite" lifestyles for a period of time. For example, one white couple was made up to be a black couple and had to live as such. It was a very good example of how being put in "our shoes," for a period, can help you see a small portion of what we deal with.
This isn't to say that white people aren't mistreated! I don't agree with all behavior from black people. I will say that we are viewed as angry and bitter (or "what's their problem?") without really taking the time to find out why. Yeah, you can say that the black people in this day and age weren't shackled and bound as slaves as they were years ago but that doesn't mean that the mentality of ALL white people has changed to reflect that we are equal NOW!
I MUST say this, I don't remember the person who said the young lady did not get raped, she "changed her mind during the act of sex...." WOW! She fought! She got to a point where she did NOT want to continue and as the slogan states, "no means no" at any time.