MovieChat Forums > Higher Learning (1995) Discussion > This movie is unintentionally hilarious

This movie is unintentionally hilarious

It's a bunch of cliches and stereotypes. This film is complete garbage.

- The white supremecists are wannabe tough-guys who get their asses kicked by Busta Rhymes. Really?!
- The cops are racist caricatures asking blacks for their ID.
- The blacks are a bunch of loud idiots who feel they are "held down by the man."
- The professor wore a sweater and smoked a pipe. HAHA!

It's like a terrible, unrealistic, politically correct version of American History X.
By the way, did anyone else laugh during the school shooting scene? It was the most satisfying part of the movie. I hated Rappaport's character, but I hated the PC college kids even more.

Speaking of which, is there a single likable character in the movie?



I haven't seen this movie in forever but I do remember it being basically a parade of stereotypes and preachy crap. It's not the fact that it didn't age well either. It was dorky even when it first came out. I think most of Singleton's movies (with the exception of Boyz N the Hood) are crap.

Oh, and I', pretty sure Tyra Banks was in this movie because she was banging Singleton at the time. She could never, ever act and there's no reason on this earth that she should have been cast in a serious drama. She wasn't even convincing on Fresh Prince!


Poor Laurence Fishburn, oh well this is to his career what Battle of the Worlds was to Claude Rains career: namely a stinker that he will spend the rest of his career trying to forget. Actually, watching this on tv as I write this, Fishburn is the only one in this film who doesn't make you think this is some sort of unintentional joke.


Fishburn was also in the unintentionally hilarious final scene of School Daze when he looks up at the sky and yells, "Wake uuuuuuup!"

When I watched Higher Learning on TV I checked to see if this was by Spike Lee. I also thought Fishburn's accent here was ridiculous.

Every character was pushed to the point of caricature.


Nah, you iz racist. You only love the Aryan Christian Race (isn't that actually a line from the film?)

Brothas be killin' brothas cause da white devils be keepin' us down, dawg.


And how about Kristy Swanson's roomate being more upset about being called a black bitch then her roomate being date raped?????


I could probably enjoy it as a dark comedy, but it's obviously not that, it takes it self SOOOO seriously that it just comes across as laughable. Ice Cube's character is probably the stupidest in my opinion. He's pretty much there to chew up the scenery and act like a "bad ass", even though he comes across as a *beep* idiot. I'm not sure what Singleton was going for, but if he was trying to make a statement he failed so hard it's not even funny.

Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.


I'm glad you all saw this for the absolute POS that it is. The '90s were a culturally abysmal decade, soiled by angry BS such as this and the promulgation of all manner of fairy tails about racism, domestic violence, etc. Future viewers will see this as the Reefer Madness of the period. That is, if our culture ever recovers and moves on from the '90s. I'm still waiting...


Perfectly stated.

This stands out as one of the worst films of all time.

I'll take Punctuality


I had to watch "PCU" just to get the taste out of my mouth.

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


I'll take Punctuality
