lol great point. i get what you mean. yes i am a heat bro and i like the original with all its adornments, but stilll, i understand why you said that
IMO the hannah-justine relationship always got on my fuckin nerves, even way back when the movie was fresh. it just never seemed really genuine, nor viable. came off affected, melodramatic, 'canned' and forced. I blame diane venora for this. she was just miscast. I can think of 25 other actresses who woulda made a better wife for vincent. for some reason mann really loves diane, and i can't stand her. (i mean her work; sure she is a nice lady)
i like the kilmer-judd relationship a lot better. it didn't bore me at all.
another comparison is that the hannah-justine relationship had zero to do with the plot, where the kilmer-judd one directly influences the plot in several places. but that's not why i say i like it better; it just didn't irk me for some reason.
deniro and amy kinda was overdone too. scenes dragged and coulda been cut down. but other than that i found it good and intriguing, as to the insights it offered into Neil, clearly the most fascinating and mysterious character in the film. Plus this one also had a huge influence on the plot, and theme. so i'd keep it too. (but perhaps cut down)
the other relationships were so brief and transitory (lilly and the grill man) s didn't bug me.
not to just be contrary but i do think all these were probably necessary in order to paint the kind of milieu that Mann was going for. the mood of this movie is paramount, and these relationship vibes are a big part of that. (imho)