Sympathy for Neil and his crew
I want to get people's opinions on what kind of people you can have sympathy for in a movie.
Neil and his crew are professional thieves and murderers. Is this sufficient for them to lose our sympathy?
In the old days of movies, the movies were made in a way that the audience would root for the "moral" person and be against the "immoral" person.
Aren't Neil and his crew as immoral as can possibly be?
If you can root for Neil and his crew, who is it that you would *not* root for in a movie?
Perhaps Hanna and Neil have similarities in their personalities, but Neil's whole purpose in life is to commit crimes for his own personal gain, and Hanna's whole purpose in life is to prevent these crimes. Doesn't that make Hanna infinitely more sympathetic than Neil?
What is it about the movie that makes people sympathetic towards Neil and his crew even though they are criminals?
Scariest words in English: We’re from the federal government and we’re here to help. R. Reagan