At least it's short!
This was the only one of the first six Halloween movies I'd only seen once, and rewatching it now I remember why. I'm not sure director Joe Chappelle had even seen another Halloween movie when he made this. Michael Myers does not jog when he chases people! It looks stupid! The acting (apart from Donald Pleasence) and story aren't great, and several scenes have a definite MTV look. Still, the kills are a step up from the previous two installments, and it's poignant seeing Donald Pleasence giving his best in one of his very last film appearances (the film was shot in 1994 and he died in February 1995; the movie is dedicated to him). I've read that most of the cast and crew disowned this film. I can see why. By far the worst entry in the original Loomis/Thorn Halloween timeline. 4/10