MovieChat Forums > GoldenEye (1995) Discussion > Goldeneye vs Licence To Kill

Goldeneye vs Licence To Kill

It's a tricky one for me but I'd just about go with LTK.

That's how your brother squealed, when I broke his ****ing neck!


I didn't really think Goldeneye was that great. Sure it was a competently made film but some people are calling it the best ever and it's not even close. Quite honestly the only characters who didn't get on my complete nerves were Bond, Treveleyn and Zukovsky.


Goldeneye is by far the best Brosnan Bond, but compared to all the other Bond movies it's only "good".


GoldenEye, but License to Kill is still a good movie. I do enjoy the Dalton movies quite a lot, but The Living Daylights would be my favourite of his.


LTK for me. Goldeneye is too formulaic even though its the best of the Brosnan Bond films.


Goldeneye, hands down.


Definitely Licence To Kill, Goldeneye is mediocre and at the end of the day it's nothing we haven't already seen before (crazy guy using Satellite Lazer to blow something up).


Licence to Kill.

Bond infiltrating the enemy organization and playing the bad guys against each other is just great espionage. It's amazing how rarely that actually comes up in Bond pictures...

It's also very personal, with Felix's storyline and how it affects Bond. 006 was "personal", but it means more when Felix had been in so many of Bond's stories up until that point, so it feels like a deeper relationship. His revenge and wrath just flow better.

Q's expanded role in Licence to Kill is cool, too! Llewelyn shines there and that's just fun.

And Benecio Del Toro's henchman character is CREEPY and evil, and that's pretty great.

I wasn't a real big fan of either main Bond girl in GoldenEye or Licence to Kill, but the "secondary" Bond girl was great in both. I'll give GoldenEye points for Janssen's maniacal performance.

GoldenEye has really good action and the supporting cast are all great, Sean Bean, Famke Janssen, and Alan Cumming. But Licence to Kill has its own style that no other Bond film ever really had (without sacrificing the Bond-ness ala Quantum of Solace).
