Does M's characterization seem different in "Tomorrow Never Dies"
I don't know! I guess that it seems kind of contradictory that Judi Dench's interpretation of M in GoldenEye reams Bond over him being a "sexist, misogynistic dinosaur" (in kind of a meta moment for the Bond series). And yet in TND, M while briefing Bond in a car brings up the fact he once had a fling w/ the now-wife of the main villain, Elliot Carver. During that scene, M not quite subtly encourages Bond to seduce her ("Remind her and then pump her for information!"), since Bond is such a great ladies' man.
I know that the pre-Daniel Craig Bond movies didn't have a lot of in-between movies continuity, but still, it just seemed like in TND, Dench's M was an unabashed ally/cheerleader for Pierce Brosnan's Bond unlike the more tense/slow to trust relationship that they had in GE.