MovieChat Forums > Friday (1995) Discussion > Weed is NOT that powerful

Weed is NOT that powerful

I don't mean to violate any board rules, but this movie tends to misinterpret the state you get into through smoking weed. By all of the scenes, and Craig's tripping out most of the film.

I've smoked a LOT and the most that happens when you get really high is that you relax. Most people just sit down and are extremely quiet for an hour or so, or they talk a lot about stuff they see. Trees blowing, or rain, for example. But one thing that always bothered me about them getting high is that it turns Smokey and Craig into complete idiots -- who can't focus on anything.

I think that this is done for comedy, but all of their behavior is more akin to that of someone on acid. One of the prime examples is Big Worm's head in the cabinet after he first gets high. Then the statue of the dogs barking inside of his head. Again, its all more like they've done acid that regular weed.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about (experienced what I'm saying), you'd know what I mean.


Reading all the posts on this thread and it is obvious most people dont know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to weed. Maybe the weed was laced, but my bet goes with the original post - its just a cinematic effect they wanted to convey.

And yes, to most people, Amsterdam has the best in the world.

And yes, Indo refers to the Indica strain.

And Diesel Weed is just some stinky weed transported across the border inside fuel tanks on trucks. If you are seeing wierd stuff after smoking this, its because you have sulphur and kerosene in your head. You dont have sense to pour piss out of a boot if you would actually smoke something that has diesel fuel in it.

Crack Heads...


depends the strength of it and type like whitewidow or what!! super skunk


And Diesel Weed is just some stinky weed transported across the border inside fuel tanks on trucks. If you are seeing wierd stuff after smoking this, its because you have sulphur and kerosene in your head. You dont have sense to pour piss out of a boot if you would actually smoke something that has diesel fuel in it.


Diesel is a strain of cannabis. different variations and crosses go by the names of NYC diesel, east coast sour diesel or just plain deez. availiable from reservoir or soma seeds, probs a lot of others as well. the name comes from the strong chemical smell which is similar to diesel fuel in well grown and cured specimens. and yeah it is trippy in large quantities, similar to haze and the myriad of haze crosses on the seed market.


I thought Craig and Smokey did a fairly good but slightly exagerrated imitation of the effects of the wacky tobaccy. Craig was not a dope smoker so Big Worm's finest would have made him pretty loopy, Smokey was getting high all the time so the stuff wouldn't hit him nearly as hard as Craig.


Smokey was getting high all the time so the stuff wouldn't hit him nearly as hard as Craig.


I remember the first time i was high i was mad dumb. I f-ckin did a front flip over my bicycle handle bars, cuz i blinked and i didnt see the curb, one of those like big azz drop curbs. True story. haha, man i was stupid that day.

"My eyelids are lower than my test grades"



I remember the first time i was high i was mad dumb. I f-ckin did a front flip over my bicycle handle bars, cuz i blinked and i didnt see the curb, one of those like big azz drop curbs. True story. haha, man i was stupid that day.

 


LOL, come to Holland, and you will shut up....



"I've smoked a LOT"

And there's the problem. You've obviously smoked a lot of trash, too. When I first started smoking, I lived in Panama, and I'll tell ya, I had some experiences that were indescribable... things like a couple hours missing from my night, and not knowing how I got where I was (usually led there by friends). I did NOT "just get relaxed," by any stretch. But Smokey getting that high is pretty lame.


Indo or Endo does not mean laced with white, Primo is bud laced with white.


I think that was Craig's first time smoking, which explains his attitude. Smokey on the other hand, seeing how he smokes ALL day, he should've been mute in the movie because it's true, when you're high you just sit down and shut up most of the time with your head down. I never did it but my brothers are addicts and the first time they were trippin HARD. They said they see dolphins jumping the the water but now they just hang their heads down and look stupid.



Lololol all you American kids with your crazy tales of 'hallucinating' while baked, jeez you guys are n00bs, get a life, stop being loser pot police darryls, shut up, and just smoke it.

Oh and I've been to Amsterdam more than once, damn good weed there, white widow was nice, but the weed here is still a TINY bit better. And by here I mean Vancouver, where we are known for having the best weed in the world? BC Bud>Amstizzle, I'm sorry to say.

Oh and ROFLCOPTER to people saying crap like "they are smoking that crazy Cali weed, it's sooooooo good" lol American weed, including weed from California, is garbage.


*beep* you canada is gay


Can't we all just smoke a bowl and get along??? All this arguing and name calling is kind of going against what weed stands for. Chill'n the F out!


I know someone who also had a dolphin experience from weed.
If you seriously green out on strong weed and youre a newbie im sure you will see *beep* but its mainly stuff in the corner of your eye but cause youre stoned you think youve seen something full on.

Judas Priest Cult #2
let the mass begin....
Your wife died from cyanide in the scotch


One should remember, XCraig had never smoked weed before , thus the exaggerated nture of his high. I have partaken form time to time and have had brief auditory hallucinations and visual ones form time to time. God only knows if it was tainted or not, but it's not out of the realm for their reactions to be similar to the ones depicted.


Can't we just say that Big Worm's head in the cabinet was just a representation of the weed making Craig really friggin paranoid? And we all know that happens from the greenery.

"When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing."


Marijuana = Relaxer
Salvia = Hallucinogen




Maybe it was laced. And some people who get high do act like idiots.


This thread is proof that the boards are populated by inexperienced high school kids. The scenes with Craig are just a representation of Craig's "FIRST TIME", I repeat FIRST TIME smoking. I myself shroomed many times years before I started smoking and the first time I smoked I tripped, as in hallucinated and was stuck on the bathroom floor for about 20 minutes. It affects EVERYONE DIFFERENTLY. Plus the scenes weren't meant to be taken literally they were a representation of Craig's paranoia. Secondly extreme potheads don't "put their heads down and be quiet" when they smoke. If you smoke everyday then you can function and carry on normally while high. So Smokey, being a serious pothead, would be doing the things he'd do even if her weren't high. He chooses however to be high all of the time. And the bird coop scene is specifically about angel dust laced weed, which is why Smokey ends up in the bird coop. This is EXPLICITLY stated in the movie.....KIDS.


This is the smartest post in this thread, everyone is basing their 'facts' on their own assumptions that were made out of your limited individual experiences. You don't know everything in the world no matter how much you like to think you do. It definitely depends on several factors, individual biochemistry, genetics, what you ate that day, how you feel, tolerance, possibility of laced weed, how much you smoke, what you smoke, how you smoke etc. So you can't judge anything in a movie when you don't know all of the other possible factors. Wow I am so ripped off some quality Canadian bud and a nice vaporizer. Peace out.



Nope, those are regular things.

For me, it just HITS sometimes. Like it's no "slowly" getting high. It just hits like a fist. And I get overwhlemed sometimes . and freaked out. People start talking and I'm like "wow, they are talking about me!?!?!" And paranoid as hell. Then your mouth gets dry as hell, it seems water only helps for a few seconds.

The noise stuff is very freaky, you hear *beep* you could never hear before, that is why I recommend music. Preferably some of your favorite go happy songs, nothing negative. Your ass will be dancing all night!


Dude, the effects after Craig smokes a joint with Smokey is EXACTLY the same effects I feel when I smoke, but only from a Bong. You have to remember that not everyone will experience the same effects as someone else. While some people may get a relaxed feeling, other's will go on a more wild ride. So just because you feel a certain way while blazed doesn't mean everyone else will feel the same also

Sorry to say this, but you're not the center of the universe and the world doesn't revolve around you.
