Warm, but unrealistic
I do enjoy this movie (when I'm not in a pregnant, crazy-hormone state!) but mostly because I adore the actors. There are definite problems with their storyline here:
1) Annie's career. There is no way an entry-level architect is either going to make enough money to be surrounded by half the stuff you see in this movie (though there is room to work with here...it's unknown what Brian would make) or be selected to a design team for something as huge as a Boston museum
2) Labor scenes - a little ridiculous. a) Annie did not have pain medication, but never screamed and told her Dad in the middle of a contraction to go ahead and go, she could handle it. b) Brian shows up at the last minute and an unmedicated Annie smiles and laughs and tells him she's so glad he made it? Hmm.....
3) Nina - Well, can I assume she had been given some sort of epidural to prepare her for her c-section? Her contractions miraculously stopped all the while George was telling her the story of their first date....
On the good side, Franck was hysterical as usual and the show really does give you a nice warm fuzzy. I can't believe they really tore down the house used as the Banks!