Annie's a bitch part II

I wrote a great post about Annie being a bitch in the first movie, and sure enough, she's a complete bitch in this one as well.

In the first movie we are introduced to Princess Bitch aka Annie. She gets whatever she wants whenever she wants regardless of cost or practicality.

In this one, she's the same way. For instance, when Bryan wants to stay in California, Annie insists that they move to Boston to help further her own career. Nevermind that George, Nina, Bryan, John, and Joanna all want Annie and Bryan to stay in California. After all, they would be close to family, their new baby would get to be around all four grandparents, her husband Brian would be happier, and Annie could focus on her new family. Instead, she selfishly throws aside what everyone else wants, in favor of her own career. Given that she is a talented architect and only 24 years of age, it seems inevitable that other great career opportunities will present themselves. But like other bitches, she wants what she wants when she wants it. And sure enough, Bryan gives in, like he always does. What kind of mother is she going to be when she has a brand new job with major responsibilities and she's trying to make a good impression? How much attention is that newborn son going to get? Can you say nanny? If she stayed in California, she could still work, and she could get her family to help care for her son.

Also, Bryan and Annie's son was named George. Who do you think made that decision? Here's a hint. It wasn't Bryan.

Plus, when she's pregnant, she's a whining, demanding bitch. I realize this was for comic relief, but c'mon. It's further evidence that she's a bitch. Anybody who has seen both movies cannot refute this.


In the original of this movie ("Father's Little Dividend"), the grandson was named after his maternal grandfather -- in that movie he was "Stanley Banks" instead of "George Banks."


I agree with you
When Nina tells Annie and Bryan she's pregnant, Annie's all like what the hell, I'm pregnant and you can't be.
She annoyed me almost as much as Nina did


OP I have had it up to hear with your negative comments regarding this character! Do you honestly hate your own life so much that you have to nitpick every movie you don't agree with!?

What the hell is your mental issue?! Clearly you have serious mental issues if you sit online all day hating on CHARACTERS in movies!

Get a damn life you moron!!!





I guess it's true what they say about readheads (fiery tempers, alcoholic, not real bright, bad taste in movies, etc.)

It is interesting to me that you have so much passion for a fictional character. Do you honestly hate your own life so much that you have to idolize every movie that you agree with? Clearly you have serious mental issues if you sit online all day idolizing characters in movies. May I suggest that you get a life.

Thank you for reading. I do appreciate all my fans.


Of course there will be plenty of viewers supporting Annie's symbolic move to Boston, even though she's giving birth just beforehand and it pretty much shoves the extended family at arms length. That's the way American society is geared these days. "Go for your dreams!" In other words, be selfish to the exclusion of your family and to a large degree even your own husband/wife and children.

Just have the kid, chuck it into daycare and carry on with climbing the carreer ladder and acquiring money and possessions. The American Dream! OK maybe in some scenario Brian stays home full time and raises their child while Annie designs the museum. George and Nina (and Maddy?) do fly-in visits if she's not too busy to see them, and really how much quality time is that? All so Annie gets what she wants.

I just think the carreer-obsessed earning money, being busy as hell and getting more more more thing has been taken way to far. No wonder so many familes hardly even know each other these days. Annie wasn't exactly being a bitch on insisting to have her way despite how those dearest to her felt - it's more like what individuals expect these days and society encourages it. Carreer/money/stuff 1st, family 2nd. And husband Brian had no choice but to suck it up and remain quiet even though he (and George) clearly disagreed. They couldn't stand their ground, no that would be called sexism and we can't allow that in the 21st century.

But in the first movie yes she definitely was a spoiled little daddy's girl!


You're correct in accurately defining society's obsession with the "making me happy first" attitude and materialism. You're wrong for letting Annie off the hook. We should hold people accountable for becoming professional consumers at the expense of their children. IMHO


She gets so annoyed when Nina says she's pregnant, I thought she was going to scream at her
I was actually laughing all the way through that scene
She starts crying?
Oh, come on!


I think Annie didn't want to "share" the pregnancy with Nina; she wanted it to be all about her. But just like in the first movie, when Nina wore white to her own daughter's wedding, she, of course, had to get pregnant at the same time she did. Those two have a passive-aggressive relationship.



Nina didn't wear white, she wore champagne. Huge difference!

I was gonna let you *beep* me, but I got my rag, and I know how you hate a mess


would you? I thought that was incredibly tacky and trashy for this to happen. I don't care if you are still able to have children, when your married daughter is doing so, calm the eff down!

and it was a champagne, tan color she wore. I agree it was close to white but not white.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


She gets so annoyed when Nina says she's pregnant, I thought she was going to scream at her
I was actually laughing all the way through that scene
She starts crying?
Oh, come on!

Not gonna lie, if my mom told me she was pregnant the same time I was I'd be grossed out. My mom had me at 25... I had my first baby at 31. So my youngest sibling would be over 30 years younger than me? I'd wonder WTF my mom was thinking! She'd probably be dead by the time my youngest sibling WAS 30!


well nearly all pregnant women are whining and demanding. you can't blame her for that.

but I do agree with you on the furthering her own career thing. and yeah right she might have said she would move for him but let's be real -- that didn't happen so we wouldn't know.

and I do agree with you on the you just have a kid and here you want to move to further your own career. the kid will be definitely raised by nannies/babysitters and such. being married there is NO CAUSE for this!! why have a kid to begin with?? you can have both a family and a career but neither will be kick ass without the help of other people. and no parent wants to hear their toddler mistake nanny for mommy.

can you believe how she freaked out and broke off the wedding over a blender in the first one??



I agree she is a bitch and she learned it from his wife (in their spoilt little world). If you don't get what you want you cry, move out or make your husband sleep somewhere other than the bed with you in it (i.e. no s.e.x.). If you want your husband to pay for your daughter's expensive wedding you cry. If you want your husband to move with you to another state and he won't, you run back to your parents place and cry. If you are blissfully happy that you're going to have another baby when you're also going to be a grandmother, and it takes your husband more than 5 minutes to get onboard, cry and make him sleep elsewhere. If you want your house renovated just so the new baby can have an expensive dream nursery (that the other kids didn't need) then you whine and expect him to get out the wallet...repeat ad infinitum and ad nauseum. No man who watched these movies would ever want to be married because they'd think all women are high maintenance like those two whinging sex deprivers.


Ha ha! Great post! Thank you for that.
