I think it is overly harsh to label Annie a bitch, but I have to admit I think her attitude in regards to the job opportunity and moving to Boston was a little hypocritical and self centered. This was a major life change for her AND her family and I don't think she was giving her husband's feelings fair consideration. Some people have made mention of Annie's statement in her conversation with George that if Bryan was the one with a distant job offer she would move with him "in a minute". Really? You believe that? Let's reverse the roles. Bryan gets a job offer in Boston, comes home to a pregnant Annie, and says "Guess what honey? I got offered a new job today and it's in Boston! What do you think?" Are we really to believe Annie would started jumping up and down, clicking her heels all excited saying "Oh Bryan, that's great! I'll put in my notice to work tomorrow! Let's go start packing!" No, somehow I just don't believe that. Sure, it's easy for Annie to SAY she'd move with her husband in a heartbeat if he was the one with the job offer, since she's on the opposite end of the spectrum, but a few minutes prior to saying that, when she was telling her dad about the move and her argument with Bryan, she says something that would seem to contradict that later statement "He seems to think I should just be some old fashioned wife who takes a back seat to his career," Yet, Bryan should be expected to take a backseat to hers? What about his job, his family, his feelings about the matter shouldn't be important? She really couldn't blame him for not being thrilled about the possibility of moving, especially when they were in the middle of such a major life change, having their first child. That's a stressful time of life for both women AND men, and having the support of family nearby can be a valuable aid to that. Just because that may not have been a priority to Annie, doesn't mean it wasn't to Bryan. I highly doubt Bryan became furious about Annie's desire to consider the job in Boston and outright refused to even pursue the subject, but that's the way she behaved. I think Bryan was probably willing to consider the possibility and talk it over, but had serious reservations about it and didn't just want to jump for the opportunity, much the same way I think Annie would have acted had the roles been reversed, and could she have been blamed? Of course not, but all she seemed to think was that Bryan wasn't as excited about the opportunity as she was, therefore he must not really care about what she wants and wasn't being fair or supportive of her. Her statement regarding taking a backseat to his career was being unreasonable and overly judgmental of him. It clearly shows she's a strong woman who believed in being true to herself and following her dreams, and that's great, but she's a wife and soon to be mom and life isn't all just about her and what she wants anymore. This decison was going to change all of their lives in a big way and I think it was wrong and a little selfish of her to be so closed minded about her husband's feelings on the matter. I don't blame her a bit for wanting to consider the job in Boston as it was a great career opportunity for her, but she should have been more willing to take some time to really think about it and talk about it objectively with Bryan, so they could come to a decison TOGETHER, instead of just expecting he just jump at this chance simply because it was what she wanted. She didn't seem to want him to have the equal say in the decision that she would clearly expect to have had the roles been reversed. Why should she have expected less of him?