Annie Made A Mistake Going to Boston....Women, Listen Up!
Women, listen up: when you decide to have a baby, its not like buying a new handbag. You don't go, "Oh...this would look nice with my career and my new car".
No...having a baby is a ALL CONSUMING LIFE CHOICE. When you have that child, God has made you 100% responsible for that child's development and growth.
Babies need full time Mom's: not working Mom's who outsource the child's care to a Mexican nanny or a day care centre.
And I know that career women wouldn't want to hear that....but its not a choice between career and being a mother.
When you have a baby, TAKE FIVE YEARS OFF WORK, and raise that child full time till its ready to start pre-school.
Those five years are essential to the child's development, and every study shows that children raised by a full time mom are infinately better off than those dumped in child care.
Or, at the very least, take THREE years off, and then go back to work PART TIME till your child is ready for school.
Annie-Banks made a totally selfish decision in this movie: she uprooted herself and her husband from their families in California to move to Boston. The MacKenzies I'm sure would have wanted to be close to their grandchild, and the Banks' I'm sure would have wanted to have their baby grow up with Annie's.
Steve Martin's character was a total wimp: when Annie asks for his advice, he decides to be a PC 1990s new age Dad and give her the green light, even though he knew it was the wrong move.