Soory, just that most of the jokes didn't work for me, and they seemed to have missed some golden opportunities to make other jokes. Only good part about this film was Peter MacNicol as Renfield.
You know, this movie is pretty mutch like the book. It's funnier to people who have either red the novel, seen the other movies, or are totally into Mel Brooks.
You know, this movie is pretty mutch like the book. It's funnier to people who have either red the novel, seen the other movies, or are totally into Mel Brooks.
I agree. If you're not into the Dracula story and its many interpretations in the first place, you probably wont enjoy the film as much.
As for the film itself, I thought it was good. Not "Young Frankenstein" or "Blazing Saddles" good, but still good. Glad to see that it's rating is now at 5.0.
I didn't say the film is Life Stinks is, but it doesn't the jackpot like most of Brooks's work does. Part of the films problem is it spends too much of time parodying 1992's Bram Stoker's Dracula, a film that fail to meet expectation in the boxoffice (due to not being very good) and by 1995 people were beginning to forget about that film entirely. This would have worked better had the film been made around the time of Robin Hood Men in Tights. Still ultimately it's got some moments and would make decent viewing on a dull rainy night.
Well, I think it wasn't terrible, but it didn't seem to have enough jokes. Maybe they made the film too fast and didn't polish up the story. One joke they could've done was have the film go to black, then say, "Hold on folks. We forgot to do the wedding." I'm referring to the fact that in Mel's last three films (Spaceballs, Life Stinks, and Robin Hood) it ends with a wedding so they keep the streak going. I did like Mel's performance as Van Helsing and Nielsen as Dracula, who took the role after Kelsey Grammar turned it down. People-never, NEVER turn down the opportunity to work with this comic genius, okay? I certainly wouldn't!
it is hilarious, mainly at the time i saw it, i thought it was a leslie neilen movie. i loved him then and still do.
but it wasnt til later that i started knowing who mel brooks was, i mean i was born in 82, and when the movie came out in the 90s i was still pretty young. i wasnt into who the directors were then.
plus i didnt have any idea that young frankenstein was a brooks movie, i thought it was rather boring cuz i didnt get it, it was b&w, and i didnt get the jokes. that and i dislike gene wilder, he is just too psychotic and random for me.
however i did read the dracula book a couple years after seein the movie, and i eventually got the vhs. the movie did a great adaptation and was hilarious if you know the mythology of dracula, i still need to read the actual frankenstein book, so that YF would make more sense to me. also i wanna see the new YF musical and hope its turned into a musical movie like the producers was.
I'll reserve the spot for 'worst' for Life Stinks. I thought Dracula: Dead and Loving It was a lot of fun. I think the colour art direction is gorgeous too. DDALI differs from Young Frankenstein in that it seems to stick to a retelling of the basic Dracula story we've seen in the movies before with jokes added while Young Frankenstein seems to veer off to other ideas. I would put DDALI in the upper half of Brooks films.
I thought it was bad. About the only part I liked was "the last word" bit. The "straigt" players (like Mina, Harker, Lucy) I was expecting them to do something funny. Harker's "I'm British" is what I meant, but there seemed many oppertunities for them to do something, but they are so straight. How about What Teri Garr did in YF, "Roll in the hay." Something silly like that. Like in the beginning, we have the two people in the carriage with, and the joke is the woman has a mustache. I didn't like it.
I thought it was pretty poor but I still watch it now and again. If I put all the Brooks films in order of greatness, this film would no doubt go to the bottom. It seemed to me that Brooks kind of lost his way in the 90's compared to his height in the 70's. That's not to say his films were total crap because Robin Hood Men in Tights is my all time fave from his short lived 90's era of movies.
If I had to pick my all time best out of them all, it would have to be Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, both are great examples of his work and he's at his absolute funniest.
Admiral evilreincarnated - Dark Lord of the Sith for The IMDB Galactic Empire