I don't know how anyone can sit and watch anyone get executed either for justice or otherwise. I know I couldn't even if I was the parent or friend of any victim of a crime.
I could too. Poncelet didn't just kill, he raped, stabbed and left his victims bodies in the woods for 6 whole days before they were found. He got off easy. I would have smiled as he was put down.
I was watching "The Green Mile" again recently where the guy had a botched execution due to Percy deliberately failing to wet the sponge. The horror show that ensued (moreso than the very notable horror of an electrocution that actually goes to plan!), caused the room full of gore-seekers and haters to vomit and flee in pure revoltion and I inwardly LAUGHED at their "misfortune". Oh so it's perfectly justifiable to gloat over a man going through armageddon but only if he doesn't squeal too loudly or his flesh doesn't smell too burnt? Sheesh the hipocrisy!!
You're welcome. Point of fact I was compelled to actually observe this same hypocrisy by making a new thread on the Green Mile board. I'll probably get lynched for my candour but I feel it's a small price to pay for expressing my disgust (even if, in that case, it was a fictional execution).
It must be said, seems like this whole country wants to see blood shed rather then more peace and compassion between one another. I know I would be a hypocrite myself if I said that if some horrifying thing like this happened to my nephew I would go nuts with rage and want the bastard to suffer. Now, I would only pray that he suffers at the hands of God and I hope He would show pity on him.
Post your opinion on the green mile, I loved that film.
I think any of us would go through that rage, it is natural. It is what we do about it that matters. I don't think that killing another person in a misguided act of revenge or "justice" would remove that deep-seated bitterness anyway. Now all you've got is another person's death on your hands. I also wonder what evil drives executioners to do that as a career since I personally do not think we are entitled to be judge, jury and executioner - that lies with a higher force as you insinuate.
Yeah, The Green Mile is a very good movie for many different reasons. They cast it just right! In fact considering it's essentially about Death Row it also manages to incorporate humour (that "Billy the Kid" bloke is unintentionally hilarious!), plus of course the spiritual healing powers of John Coffey.
It's very graphic of course but maybe sometimes that is needed to show people just how inhumane and brutal the DP really is and I don't for ONE SECOND believe that the lethal injection is any less brutal and I thought that even before this recent botch in the States. Just because ordinarily the recipient isn't writhing around in agony it doesn't mean he isn't IN agony - just that they administer a muscle relaxant first to prevent any sort of visible reaction.
To me it matters not really if they made death completely painless - it's still wrong to take another life. And how can there be any justice in the theory "He took a life which is so evil and wrong that we are going to take HIS life". Double standards!!
I was just remembering when Richard Ramirez aka the Nightstalker died of natural causes course he was suppose to be executed years later. It is stupid they wanted to kill him but wait years for that. Not that I would have wanted it though. He is facing his rightful punishment now.
I think the better punishment for a crime like what Penn's character did would be to put him through what his victim and their family is going through. First he would see what their lives were like then up till their deaths, feel what the girl went through when she was being raped. The boyfriend watching so helplessly then killed, both of them. Then he feels the parent's pain about losing their child, seeing the men that killed them and all that. He has to feel it over and over and over till he is numb with regret, that should be punishable enough without killing him. If anything he might want to kill himself, who knows. All I know is that if their should be a punishment in jail, I would recommend that the guilty person is placed under a drug or something that will make him feel what his victim and their loved ones goes through both before and after the murder.
Glad to get a reply from you. The shooting at the Connecticut elementary school, I posted on FB that prayers should be said for not only the victims and their family but for the shooter and his family too. Got a lot of stuff that was worse then what I got from here. I did pray for him and his family, I prayed that God show him what he did was wrong. I believe God spares those that were mentally ill.
I read the book about Ramirez. I had the movie too but it wasn't very good! I have all manner of crime films based on true crimes but a lot of them are over-dramatised for effect which I find ridiculous since they don't require any elaboration. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer was unbelievably far-fetched. I mean in the movie they had Henry kill his side-kick Ottis and decapitating him in a bath. Ottis met no such fate - he went to jail as did Henry lee Lucas!
Some are better at sticking to the facts. The Dahmer one was quite accurate but the soundtrack and dialogue is a bit poor (and a bit cheesy lol)
Serial killers are interesting to write about and watch. I still oppose the death penalty very much though. Last film I saw about a serial killer was Hannibal Lecter but that is all.
Me too, I still wonder if he hadn't been kidnapped with his little sister then tricked into eating her would he have become the monster that he became?
Same question about the Nightstalker, I still wonder if people become evil because they were influenced or is it like what Dexter said: that there is a monster in us and we need to be friendly with it? Something like that I think.
Some say evil is a mental illness like what happen to the elementary school in Connecticut, Columbine school and all those public shootings done by these shooters who kill people then themselves. Part of me believes that, another part of me just thinks that evil is in us but thank God, we have a choice to do evil or not.
I look at my nephew and pray that he sees there is good and evil in the world and that he finds the beauty in the world and sees that good is better then evil.
I guess we are all capable under the right conditions of committing atrocities. Even the most tolerant and law-abiding folks have succumb to crimes of passion, for example. If a person loves another so implicitly and then faces the pain and humiliation of betrayal and is goaded to a crescendo of rage then anyone is arguably capable of overstepping the mark. That's why these crimes are often treated less severely and more compassionately depending on the circumstances.
The fictional Hannibal was a very interesting case because he despised the rude and yet seemed so composed and in control for much of the time which is why, looking back, it's almost uncharacteristic of Hannibal to attack that nurse in such a brutal way as seen on the CCTV footage by Clarice.
Definitely parents have been in both camps: some eagerly await the execution and can't wait to watch, others stay home and want nothing to do with it.
I don't know how I'd feel. If my children were brutally murdered and I had the opportunity to watch their killer fall peacefully to sleep, I doubt I'd want any part of that.
Even if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up!
I know I would be devastated and distraughted like the parents of those kids, then it would be hard for me to do what the nun did. Then I think about the 2006 Amish school shooting, the families of the victims went to the wife of the gun man who killed their children and offered their forgiveness and comforts to her. That kind of act is what is needed most. There shouldn't be anymore hate cause it makes more hate.
People are different. You say no matter what situation you are in you could never witness an execution like this. If this guy murdered my kid, I'd gladly watch him be executed and I would be happy about it too. That would be my way of helping me heal.