You're kidding me right? How high and mighty you sit, assuming what the families and friends of murder victims go through and how they spend their day. Of course they are full of grief. They have every right to be. And how we as a society, by executing those who have caused such grievious harm, can bring some peace to those suffering. It's not a matter of revenge. It's a matter of paying for the crimes one has committed.
Up until Sharon Tate's mother fought, and won, criminals with life sentences were able to receive conjugal visits. The man who participated in the murder of her daughter, Charles Watson, married and fathered children while in prison! Now that must have been a bitter pill to swallow - he had taken a life and was happily ensconced in his prison, creating new lives!! For shame! People on death row are granted an automatic appeal. The trial and evidence is reviewed in infinite detail. They usually linger on death row a minimum of ten years before being executed. Some have been on death row up to twenty three years. What a travesty of justice. I have no doubts that there are innocent men and women in prison, and when one is faced with losing one's life when convicted, it should be ascertained with as much surety as possible that they are truly guilty. My heart breaks for those wrongly convicted and even more so for those who may have been wrongly executed. I'm BY NO MEANS saying oh well, I wish those types of situations could be avoided at all costs. However, we as a people, at least in the state of California, have said we want the death penalty to be enforced and I think it should be. I don't think we should support those who have committed heinous crimes for the rest of their lives, which they can maintain to some degree of comfort, in prison.
And, your little timeline of a day in the life of the victims family is demeaning and demoralizing. You so blythely state that they should be swayed by the pleas for mercy from the offender's families, when clearly the offenders themselves ignored the pleas for mercy I'm sure they heard from their victims. Also, the word victim does not just apply to the murdered person, it also applies to those left behind, friends and families, of the deceased and yes, even the friends and family of murderer. They are all victims as well. Why is it that justice/sympathy/forgiveness are always being sought for the one who has murdered? What about justice/sympathy not revenge but rather retribution for the victims?
Walk a mile in the shoes of those who have been affected by murder and then come back and post your thoughts. You might sing a different song. I am grateful to God that I have not had to experience such a loss.
Come on little pup, get back on the porch and let the big dogs play.