MovieChat Forums > Cutthroat Island (1995) Discussion > The movie that killed the pirate genre |...

The movie that killed the pirate genre | I USED TO WATCH MOVIES

This video essay talks about the 1995 movie Cutthroat Island, famously known as the worst movie ever. The movie had one of the worst box office returns in the history of cinema. The film has its fair share of genuine strengths, but nothing could lift it out of the hell hole it dropped into. Watch the video to learn why this movie bombed so badly, and I'll even break down why some movies are beloved and find a cult following despite being poorly made. See why Johnny Depp succeeded where Geena Davis failed.


I remember liking it. I don't think I need to watch it again.


it reinvigorated the pirate genres. why? because shit pirate of the carribeans film ripped it off!!!
