Have to agree, MovieBro. I had very fond memories of the first time I saw this when it was first in the cinemas, and then I recently rewatched it and ... what a disappointment ! It all seemed so slow and laboured, and the wit that I remembered had somehow rusted and turned groan-worthy. I still give Geena Davis major points for at least having some real spunk and giving it her all, but something just ... went wrong. And Matthew Modine was really awful. (Am I wrong in surmising that he and Geena didn't actually like each other ? There's not a spark between them !)
It still looks fairly amazing in many parts (though I honestly can't convince myself to pretend that the sea off Thailand is really the Caribbean, even for the sake of the movie's fantasy), and the score has to be one of the best action movie scores yet written. That part's magnificent !
I agree with your alternatives, except Master and Commander. There was a lot about that movie I really liked, but it just never seemed to get to the meat of the story, and ends as if it's just a break for interval, but never resumes. I found it very unsatisfying in its own ways.
Actually, and now I think about it, I'd give a thumbs-up to the first PotC movie, but a thumbs-down to the "me-too" sequel, which for me never sorted out what it was trying to say and never rose above mere mimickry of its predecessor.