MovieChat Forums > Cutthroat Island (1995) Discussion > Screw the critics , I loved it!

Screw the critics , I loved it!

I remember seeing this movie as a kid, around age ten or eleven.
I absolutely loved it!
I just ordered it on DVD and it should be arriving soon.

Does anyone else like this movie?
Or am I just some crazed nut?


I loved it, play it on a surround system, it's nice and loud and will not disappoint. I think at the time of it's release there was a lot of controversy, about it going way over budget, and when a film does that most critics will lash out in negative ways. Also I think the time of it's release was not right for a pirate movie, I remember it was released just before Christmas. It did also have some awesome posters, the one I have has the Jolly Roger motif in reflective silver, something really cool to hang on the wall.

"Don't mind me, man, I'm just @#$%in' with ya…" - Janis Joplin



I know I'm 10 years late but I only watched this movie for the first time two weeks ago and I absolutely loved every bit of it. In fact, I've watched it three times since then. I don't know why it flopped at the box office back then but I also don't know what other movies were on at the same time and whether it had a pretty stiff competition. However, I think Geena Davis did a terrific job and I can't understand why people think she was not convincing as a pirate captain. I enjoy the movie a lot, it's just a shame it took me so long.



Same here. I never quite understood why it flopped so badly. It has everything you'd expect from a pirate-adventure-movie: Wooden ships, iron men, land- and sea-battles, some romance, a great (and I do mean GREAT) villain, colorful locales, beautiful cinematography, etc, etc.

And if you look around today, I guess CI actually was too far *ahead* of its time. Pirate-symbols are being used everywhere these days (especially noticable in the fashion industry .. hell, I even saw a Jolly-Roger-tie the other day).

The film's far from perfect of course. For example: As much as I respect Modine, I don't think he's quite right for the Errol Flynn-role. A bigger male star might have helped the film at the box office.



I liked it as a kid but most of it doesn't really hold up anymore.Just a couple great action scenes but honestly I'd rather watch Master and Commander,POTC,The Sea Hawk or of course Captain Blood.

"Give them nothing, but take from them everything."(300):3/9/07


Have to agree, MovieBro. I had very fond memories of the first time I saw this when it was first in the cinemas, and then I recently rewatched it and ... what a disappointment ! It all seemed so slow and laboured, and the wit that I remembered had somehow rusted and turned groan-worthy. I still give Geena Davis major points for at least having some real spunk and giving it her all, but something just ... went wrong. And Matthew Modine was really awful. (Am I wrong in surmising that he and Geena didn't actually like each other ? There's not a spark between them !)

It still looks fairly amazing in many parts (though I honestly can't convince myself to pretend that the sea off Thailand is really the Caribbean, even for the sake of the movie's fantasy), and the score has to be one of the best action movie scores yet written. That part's magnificent !

I agree with your alternatives, except Master and Commander. There was a lot about that movie I really liked, but it just never seemed to get to the meat of the story, and ends as if it's just a break for interval, but never resumes. I found it very unsatisfying in its own ways.

Actually, and now I think about it, I'd give a thumbs-up to the first PotC movie, but a thumbs-down to the "me-too" sequel, which for me never sorted out what it was trying to say and never rose above mere mimickry of its predecessor.


I just bought this on DVD ... because me and my sister absolutly played the tape to death . I think its the best movie ever .this movie is the reason i love geena davis so much



I loved every second of this movie
I thought it was fantastic

I came across a place in the middle of nowhere with a big black horse and a cherry tree


I just watched this on DVD! I thought it was GREAT!


Saw it at the cinema, and it blew my mind! I'm quite fond of this film, it's got some genuinely kick-ass stuff in it.


Yay, I love it too!

Being finnish and all, it's nice to see so many people liking this movie after all. This is definitely Renny's best film. I just can't understand why it bombed. For me, this movie's got it all. A kick-ass woman playing the lead, handsome leading man, action, humor, beautiful cinematography, amazing soundtrack! What more could you want? I love watching it once in a while. Pirates of the Caribbean is nothing compared to this movie!



i would probably rate it a 5 or a 6 but then again i've watched prolly over 3000 movies so my standards are prob a little high,, i guess the times back then wasnt ready for geena davis to have the lead role as the captain,, but it was a decent movie,, shouldn't have flopped in the theatres,,

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


Saw it for the first time, this actually wasn't bad.

Like a better version of Pirates of the Caribbean before Pirates of the Caribbean.


i like it, i think it's good fun. i like it much better than other recent pirate movies.


I don't understand why this film has such a bad reputation. Sure it's far from the greatest film ever made but it's entertaining and has a good pirate adventure story. I like it and thought Geena Davis was very good.

Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .
