MovieChat Forums > Clueless (1995) Discussion > Why Clueless Stands the Test of Time

Why Clueless Stands the Test of Time

The seminal '90s teen comedy Clueless remains a classic despite being very much of its time due to a surprisingly complex mixture of elements.


I suppose this makes sense as to why people like this film. I just saw it for the first time a few days ago and I was not impressed with it.

I found it to be a mix of awkwardness and cringe-worthy moments that were just a little too much to absorb. It's cutesy style seemed to overshadow any raw emotion the film could have had. A more serious approach might have worked wonders for this movie, instead the final product is a binge-fest on cliche scenarios that don't really add anything to the story. However, in the film's defense, I didn't know it was loosely based on the Jane Austen novel, Emma.

I might have to read the book but I doubt it would help. I just don't think this a good film. I'll give it a 3.8 out of 10.

I like Heckling's Look Who's Talking (writer) and Fast Times At Ridgemont High (director) a lot more than this.

I also liked Silverstone in Blast From The Past more.


Reasonable opinion.

I rewatched the movie recently, I still really like it and think it holds up. Despite the modern day setting, I love the way it's manages to somehow stay super loyal to the source material "Emma." (As a Jane Austen fan) it surprisingly follows the original story very closely. The film is nice to look at and has a good script with a lot of funny, clever dialogue. That's the reason it works. I don't see the reason it needs a more serious approach. It's a comedy after all.


I guess the book is supposed to be a comedy too?

The dialogue wasn't too bad, but I just couldn't get into it. I think the article makes some good points about it though. It kind of explains why people still like it. So, kudos in that regards.

Have you seen Blast From The Past or Fast Times ARH?


It is. I haven't actually read it, but I intended to. Seen "Emma" lots of times.

It isn't just the script but the actors that make it work as well. I actually love that I get more of the references now that I'm older. Like the "Luke Perry/ Jason Presley" or "Radiohead" lines. I didn't get those at all when I was younger, but that's okay. Some people will get it, and some people won't. Most dialogue people will understand. Every person cast seems like the best fit for their roles and make it a lot of fun. Good direction and soundtrack make films a lot better.

I love Blast from the Past, haven't seen it in a long time. Don't care to Watch Fast Times.


You should watch Fast Times and American Beauty, both are classics. Come on, punkrockgirl, what are you afraid of? lol...
