MovieChat Forums > Clueless (1995) Discussion > Anyone else liked this movie better than...

Anyone else liked this movie better than Mean Girls?

Personally, I liked this movie over Mean Girls. I don't hate watching Mean Girls or anything because the movie was funny and entertaining at times. What I liked about this movie was the fact that the main characters didn't have to tried too hard on the comedy, drama, and the plots of the movie because things came together smoothly for them. Whereas, Mean Girls they were really trying too hard with the dramatic scenes and crazy situations of the movie where I thought it wasn't necessary for the movie to go that route for entertainment purposes.


I think that's true. But I still like Mean Girls more. Mean Girls is more of a parody.


Honestly, I think I like them both equally.

Edge of Seventeen Review:


They are just two different movies so I can't say I like one better than the other. I think Mean Girls had more comedy but Clueless had more heart.


i love both and i honestly can't choose between them rip


For me I loved them both


same i love both equally. they are both perfect chick flicks that can be enjoyed by men and women.


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Definitely prefer "Clueless"!

Which is about people I like and want to spend time with, while I dislike everyone in "Mean Girls".


I prefer Mean Girls precisely because it doesn't pretend that the lifestyles of very privileged, very spoiled, rich, predominantly white, girls are particularly admirable.

Clueless, by contrast, seems to pretend that a life that is primarily dedicated to shopping, parties, fashion, dating, and coercing good grades from teachers and special privileges from a rich daddy, is something to champion.

No doubt some people will construe my comments as 'misogynist', but my attitude to feminism has always been that women and men are equal. I believe in equal rights and equal treatment, not the supremacy of women. And so, if it's okay to mock and lampoon stupid, spoiled men, it should be equally as acceptable to lampoon stupid, spoiled women.

However, Heathers, which is an even more savage takedown of a particular type of solipsistic and materialistic American teen princess, is superior to both.


"I prefer Mean Girls precisely because it doesn't pretend that the lifestyles of very privileged, very spoiled, rich, predominantly white, girls are particularly admirable."

That's the thing about transposing Austen's story to high school, at that age, your lifestyle is not your choice, or your fault! IMHO the kids in "Clueless" are shown as being admirable in spite of their wealth and privilege, not because of it. Cher is a basically nice person who wants to help others, even though she has such a painfully limited outlook that she probably doesn't even understand that not everyone can afford retail therapy.

I don't insist that anyone like this film but me, but I do like "Clueless" enough to talk about why I like it. A lot.


That's fair enough.

I agree that Cher is portrayed as a fundamentally sweet person.

I like to think of the Ice Princess from Batman Returns as a similar type of character. A bit shallow, a bit spoiled, rather dim, rather clueless about politics, but certainly not evil or unpleasant.


I disagree that the Ice Princess from "Batman Returns" has anything in common with Cher from "Clueless". Cher is not just a fundamentally sweet person but very bright and very interested in other people, while the Ice Princess is stupid, obnoxious, self-absorbed, and a climber.


That's mostly true I guess. For some reason I thought you liked the Ice Princess.

I don't necessarily agree that she's a 'climber' though. Yes, she wants to be a star and is flattered when the Penguin introduces himself as a 'talent scout', but I don't think you'd need to be a 'climber' to be flattered by an apparent 'talent scout' (although she was stupid for believing he was one).

I just think that the two women most likely share an obsession with fashion and social activities, rather than more intellectual pursuits, and that, as you noted on the Batman Returns board, for all her stupidity, the Ice Princess is not a bad person. But yes, she is much more stupid than Cher, and doesn't remotely possess any of Cher's hidden depths or genuine interest in helping others.

Maybe the Ice Princess is a bit more like a cross between Cher and Amber then.


Sigh. I don't *like* the Ice Princess girl, she's stupid and obnoxious. I just don't think that she deserved to die, or to have her death played for laughs, as if she were less of a regular flawed not-evil human being than any other innocent bystander at the Gotham tree-lighting fiasco.

Cher I actually like, even though I don't share her tastes at all. And I really try not to hold people's tastes against them, because a fondness for pretty clothes doesn't automatically make someone stupid or shallow. Cher is obviously not stupid and if you have to wear clothes you might as well get as much fun out of them as possible, because it's not like clothes are her only interest in life. Yes, if clothes were her only interest in life she could fairly be called shallow, but that girl's real interest is *people*, and how she can make them happier. That's not shallow.

Really, pretty fashionable girls are regular human beings too. Well, most of them. There are a few I still have doubts about.


Good answer.

I know it exasperated you (judging from the 'sigh') but I appreciate the clarification. It means a lot to me. :)


I have definitely devoted far too much thought to these fictional people!

But arguing about fiction is fun, and sometimes it can help clarify one's thinking about reality.


I know have, but I don't care.

Yes, it's probably not good for my mental health, but, apart from maybe causing a bit of minor irritation, I don't think my obsessions and crazy preoccupations are hurting anyone.


Clueless is a modern adaptation of Emma and a parody on these types of people. It was the same with Emma when it came out.


I think Clueless is better, however I think Mean Girls was an awesome movie too.


I like Clueless more because it’s a more interesting plot. It doesn’t use a villain like Regina George, making it more good natured imo.


These people are spoiled shallow brats. I'm not sure why we need to view them as 'good natured'.


Well I don’t know who “we” is. I don’t recall making any decisions on what “we need”. I just prefer Clueless over Mean Girls because its tone is more optimistic and happy-go-lucky. It’s not as “mean”-spirited as MG.

As far as the characters being spoiled brats, I recall that all characters have good and bad characteristics.


I would imagine that Clueless would be like Mean Girls if it were told from Tai's point of view and Cher was the antagonist. What really made Clueless unique for a teen movie was that the rich, pretty, popular girl was actually nice. Usually in movies like this, that type of character such as Regina George, would be portrayed as being an alpha bitch.
