Sam's Proposal

Have to say...for a supposed tough guy who has no issue with smashing people's hands, having security ram a guy through a door head first or firing a kid for complimenting his wife (still trying to figure that one out)....Sam's proposal to Ginger was incredibly weak. He sounded like a complete wimp... almost as if he was trying to convince himself this was a good idea. The way he practically begs her to marry him has always made me cringe.


I think his proposal was tailored specifically to Ginger’s personality. He was playing the odds and knew he was walking a fine line between scaring her off and reeling her in. It’s not so much a proposal as it is him selling her on it…


haha yeah he buying a wife not seducing one


it may be cringe, but it is accurate. This is how jews operate with women. Money can buy a lot of things, but not self-respect or pride
