She's a slut and a whore. Another example of Hollywood's PC double standard. Before you start trying to convince me that it's poignant and romantic, tell what you would think if it was a husband that banged some chick passing though town while his wife was away taking care of the kids. Well hypocrites? What do you say now? Can anybody say "Fatal Attraction?"
I definitely agree with you, OP. Sure, you can make a movie about imperfect people having an affair, but the mistake of this movie (and novel) is that it romanticized that. And not only that, the mother unneccesarily burdened her children by victimizing herself and telling them she gave herself up for their happiness. And all that because of a four day affair! Seems like she read one too many of those cheap romance novels. And you're right, if it was the husband having the affair, people's reactions would've been different.
I'm a woman and I like this film but I understand the people who didn't like it.
Girls I admit they have a point as much we liked the romance, the chemistry of the characters in films like this, I loved the English Patient and I rooted for Almasy and Katherine tough I knew it was wrong what they were doing.
it's a reasonable complain how when I guy cheats in a film he is stupid and deserved what he got but when is the woman who cheats poor girl she just didn't have at home what she wanted, it's unfair how Hollywood always justifies when a woman cheats but demonizes they guys who does it.
I think it's equally wrong for both sides to do so, we can enjoy the film and like the romance or wish for a guy like Almasy or whoever you wanna name but we have to admit that we are rooting for the wrong side. And have you even noticed that the guy has never started, as far as I remember In this one Meryl Streep was the one who was flirting first, Diane Lane In unfaithful was just attracted without good reason to the other guy and Katherine was the one who was always looking for Almasy at the beginning.
You bravely parted from the sisterhood and spoke the truth. I am curious why Hollywood cannot make many quality love stories from a man's point of view. There are many women whom don't give the husband what he needs and are controlling and just bad wives, but Hollywood is not ready to go down this path just yet. I think it is because of the dollar factor. Women will buy a DVD when the love stories are about themselves but won't when it is from the man's point of view, plain and simple. Your comments are thoughtful and sincere.
Thanks, I like those stories but I felt the need of being more objective, it's so unfair how its really unfair how one sided Hollywood is when it comes to romantic films.
I agree with you it would be interesting to see a love story from a male point of view, maybe Hollywood it is ready for it and the audience as well, but for some reason romantic films are called Chick Flicks.
Wow at people not being able to understand art, and wow at people not being able to appreciate art. You have a long way to go, my friends, before the phase of immature cynicism is gone and you finally realize what purpose such filmmaking serves. I good you bid evening.