Bothered by his affair with Isabella...
Why would Wallace even have an affair with her?
His whole drive in the film was for the love of Murron. She will forever be his beloved and he betrays that love for one night of nookie with a lady that he only just met.
It just bugs me a little. I would have much preferred his character to have more of a subtle relationship with Isabella.
I can go as far as them both having a mutual attraction with each other, but not to the point of having sex and 'Loving each other'.
Gibson should've shown their affection for each other in a more implied, platonic way, instead of flat out acting on those affections to the point of consummation.
Call me crazy, but I just didn't like how Wallace fell in love with Isabella after being shown how much in love he was with Murron.
"97-X...Bam....The future of...Rock 'n' Roll."