I hate Seven of Nine now

When the show first ran, I thought she was a great addition to the cast. Looking back on it now in reruns, it's embarrassing how much she completely changed the dynamic of the show at the expense of other characters on the show, especially Captain Janeway, Tuvok and B'Elanna Torres.

She is the epitome of a Mary Sue character (not in the way that that moron, Max Landis, means). By Mary Sue, I mean that it was so obvious that her producer-boyfriend was enthralled with her that most of the story lines either had to be centered around her or whatever problem that needed to be solved only solvable via her "superior" Borg intelligence. Literally, more than half the storylines in which the ship was in danger almost invariably involved needing Seven of Nine in some way, sometimes overtly, sometimes subtly. It got to the point where it was like, "Well, why even bother with Engineering, when it always falls short of that one thing preventing it from fixing the ship that can only be completed without input from Seven or her Borg technology."

In the beginning, this plot point made sense because it helped make Seven--a completely new cast member--become integrated into the show in a way where she felt like she served a real purpose. But then it got overused, which is why the writers had to hook Torres up with Tom and turn her into brood mare to make up for the fact that she was basically rendered useless as a character.

Her relationship to Janeway completely fucked up the brewing relationships between her and the other crew members. It was clear that Tuvok was becoming her most trusted friend and there were feelings for Chakotay. All of a sudden, Janeway was reduced from female captain in complex relationships with male subordinates to practically being chained to Seven all the time because of her stupid bratty rebellious meltdowns and inability to cope as a liberated Borg.

And that catsuit looks more and more ridiculous with time. Really, was it necessary? It looks so stupid, as stupid and cheesy as the "sexy" outfits from Mod Star Trek. It dates the show so badly now precisely because no one thinks that that type of outfit is "sexy" anymore than anyone thinks that the gogo boots, cut out minidresses and metallic fishnet stockings of the 1960s are sexy.


Nothing you've said is particularly innacurate, but her arrival, (along with better writing) saved the show. There was a big upturn in its popularity and viewing figures.

I never fancied Seven, but I loved her character. Jeri Ryan played it perfectly too.

And let's be honest about Chakotay: he was dull as ditch water. His pseudo native American jibber jabber was excruciating. They should have made him Janeway's butler and concubine. Seen but rarely heard.


Chakotay would've been better if the writers had allowed him to have a relationship with Janeway and Seven of Nine hadn't soaked up too much of the writers' time. That is part of the problem I had with her. In the rare moments when the writers focused on the other characters, you could see them start developing them in more interesting directions. Without Seven there, who knows how much more interesting Chakotay would've gotten.


I love comics but hate the way female characters are dressed and drawn, at least in the 90s.

A male character would have armor and battle gear while a female one would have her boobs out and a thong.

This character was created to show a pretty woman with boobs to spice things up. The borg transformation instantly starts making you ugly, but she was still pretty with a thing glued to her face.

It was a lame character.


She's still the most popular character among Voyager fans. She seems to have triggered you somewhat I can tell.

Her outfits were empowering ;-)


That was the 90s "being a stripper is empowering" bullshit.

She wasn't a bad character, just a stupid one.

I explained via the comic book reference, such characters are actually prejudiced sex objects, not feminist.


Yes, LOL. I remember those days, when these stupid assholes were all like, "Yeah, man! It's sexually empowering to be in porn and strip!" I think that's why Paul Verhoeven did Showgirls. He blew that sexual empowerment bullshit to hell.



I hate to say it, but it was something promoted by the Weinstein types in the media to rope stupid women into justifying the same old stereotypes and whore behavior of females. I used to be a super feminist until that and then I realized that many women are just like talking animals.

I am now a humanist for smart men and women.


That's why I added the wink.

However, successful and powerful women still choose to wear extremely sexually provocative outfits today. The stripper look is alive and kicking in 2020, and it's nothing to do with men forcing women to do it. They do it because it's a fast track to getting attention and to making easy money.

As for Seven, she never displayed overtly sexual or "whore" behaviour. She wasn't subservient to any man or alien species. You should be celebrating, not denigrating, her.

It's interesting that the main thing you take from her character is her outfit, and not all the obviously positive aspects of her character.

Her outfit may have been a tad snug, but it at least it covered her from head to toe like a 24th century jihadi.


Her outfit had nothing to do with Borg, nor did her appearance. They have a black techno clothing theme and tend to have diseased looking skin. Meanwhile, she had a skin tight outfit on and giant boobs, I mean I'm not celebrating that, lol.

If the Captain had a modern clown suit on, that would affect her character, right? It's not just dialogue that counts but how someone looks too, in a show.

The character was really a "plot hole" which can mean a type of character does something they shouldn't be able to do. Borg aren't sexy, they are ugly.

She was just there to have big boobs, at the end of the day.


You do realise that she wasn't full Borg still? They'd removed 90% of her Borg implants and appendages and she returned to a more human appearance.

You seem fixated on / obsessed with her breasts for some reason, and overlook her intelligence, strength and other positive characteristics. If anything, you're being sexist!

Perhaps you'd like to see her in a nun's habit or hijab?


“You seem fixated on / obsessed with her breasts”

Along with about 95% of the male audience, I’d imagine.


So true


She was a fine looking woman and she had good comic timing as well.


The natural and only effective path to female empowerment is through sexuality. Human nature denying ideologies like feminism are bullshit.


Lots of women still consider using their body parts as empowering. Just look at black booty shakers like Megan Thee Stallion, etc. They're just random cock teasers.


She and the doctor were the most popular, because they got the most screen time and the best story lines.


The doctor was an intelligent character that largely made sense.


As was Seven.

She was the smartest and strongest person on the ship.


No, she was a bad "Spock" mixed with "Data" character.

She's the "Humans do this, but the best course of action is to..." and they are wrong because being human is complex and wonderful, etc.

That's cliched on Star Trek.

As I've said before, her sexualized appearance was ridiculous and ruined it.


In your opinion. Which you're entitled to. But is wrong all the same.

Most people think otherwise.


Most people are not assholes.



And that catsuit looks more and more ridiculous with time.

It does look kind of silly. I thought she looked much better the few times she let her hair down and wore normal clothes


I have to say that I agree with every part of this post. Other characters who were really shaping up, were completely undermined. The show stopped being Voyager and became the 7 of 9 show and at times felt more like a lapdance, considering how much the character's outfit was sexualised.


Ratings were in the tank. She's the only reason the show made 7 seasons. It is what it is. I absolutely agree she torpedoed a lot of good relationship dynamics on the show. But for this viewer, she brought more to the table then she spoiled.
