The censors can be held responsible for ruining most of the show
Well when I say ruin I don't mean the show is bad or even not a classic, but I still think it could have been better than it was and I don't in all honesty think it holds up as well as Batman Tas or Superman Tas.
Whilst not every problem can be blamed on the censors (Hydro man story, overuse of Kingpin and Morbius for example can't be) I think that the main problems that hold the show back and prevent it from being as good as Batman and Superman can be blamed soley on them. Imagine if Batman tas or Superman tas had the same restrictions as this show they wouldn't be nearly as good. Imagine if Batman hadn't been able to punch the Joker in the Dcau. All of those great really vicious Joker Batman fights, like in the laughing fish or in the Justice League episode Wild Cards (where the Joker savagely beats Batman when he is hallucinating) really add to the drama and tension in the show. Take a look at the film Return of the Joker the censored version of that is terrible compared to the uncut version, and I might add the censored version of that isn't anywhere near as censored as Spidey is. They still are allowed to kill the Joker its just not as in quite an awesome way they don;t have to send him through a portal into another dimension like in Spider man.
Also in Superman Tas they were able to have Darkseid murder Dan Turpin. That was awesome and that really helped to intensify the relationship between Superman and Darkseid and made Darkseid seem like a huge threat. Again I ask imagine if those stupid censors had been on Superman and Darkseid couldn't kill Turpin but instead just drained his life force from him like Carnage in Spider man. And at the end his life force was restored to him and everything was okay like in Spider man, wouldn't be anywhere near as effective, might still be enjoyable but not nearly as dramatic. The scene where Carnage drains Detective Lee's life force could have been as great as the bit with Darkseid and Turpin if Carnage had actually been allowed to kill her, but as it is its nothing and Carnage doesn't seem like a threat the way Darkseid is in that series.
Whilst it is true that the show did do some things wrong on its own there is no denying that the censors destroyed a lot of potentially great dramatic moments and made a lot of the show seem more idiotic.
Of course again I am not saying that the show wasn't great I think John Semper did a marvellous job considering what he had to work with and whilst I don't think its held up quite as well as Batman or Superman its still lasted. Here it is almost twenty years since it finished and people are still talking about it and they probably still will be in another twenty years too.