MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Why is this not on DVD?

Why is this not on DVD?

Easily, the best Spider-Man cartoon and it is unavailable to purchase on DVD

I liked the first few episodes of Spartacus: Blood and Sand.


The real reason, which I don't think anyone has stated, is because Disney owns the rights and does not want this series on DVD to compete with the sales of their other show, Ultimate Spider-Man. If they put it out, probably most would see this as the superior show, and it would "hurt" the USM brand, in their eyes. That's why they put out the X-Men cartoon but not this- there was no competing X-Men cartoon to clash with sales at the time so it was "safe," as Wolverine & the X-Men had already ended by that point. I don't even remember if that show was released by a different company than Disney at that time so that might be the reason as well.


That is such a horrible reason. If they felt it would hurt the Ultimate Spiderman brand, then why not actually make the show watchable and or good. Either way, this show would always make more money than usm, even in twenty years.

I'm just hoping that maybe the next Spidey film will be a huge success and they will finally put this series out on those store shelf's. Buena Vista is owned by marvel I think so you are right.

the Ninjas o skill tend to reckon that this needs some basalty.



To those who are interested and who sign internet petitions, there is a petition that asks Buena Vista Home Entertainment to release all five seasons of "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" released on DVD and Blu-Ray:

If anyone would like to sign the petition, which is 100% free to sign and none of your information gets shared or displayed after signing, please go to the link below:

There is also a petition that asks for Disney XD and Marvel Animation to make all-new episodes of "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" with John Semper Jr. back in charge, to pick up where the original series left off with Spider-Man and Madame Web going to find the real Mary Jane Watson who was lost in limbo, and to include as much of the old crew and voice cast back as possible (including previous voice actors Christopher Daniel Barnes as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Sara Ballantine as Mary Jane Watson, Gary Imhoff as Harry Osborn/Green Goblin II, Jennifer Hale as Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, etc.). The petition also asks that the new episodes include things the old series was unable to do, such as show Spider-Man punch his enemies on the jaw and use previously unusable characters as guest stars (like Flint Marko/Sandman, the Max Dillon version of Electro from the comics, and Dr. Robert Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk).

That petition can be found here:

Petition to permanently bring back Spider-Man's marriage to Mary Jane:


I was just thinking how this is missing from my collection, then i realized the entire series has never been released. That's wickety-whack, yo!

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Not a perfect solution, but you can stream the entire series here:


You can buy the unofficial blu ray set, I bought it and is awesome just completed. Looks great in blu ray, they did a great job with this


You can get all 5 Seasons on Amazon Video for $75. That's what I have decided to do. I do own all the DVDs they did release. But I don't think there is an alternative.

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