MovieChat Forums > True Lies (1994) Discussion > What were people's reactions like in the...

What were people's reactions like in theatres in 1994?

What was people's reaction to the more unique parts of the movie - such as the motorcycle reaching the next skyscraper, and then of course, when the movie went to slo-mo as Arnie charged the horse?

I can just imagine a sellout crowd grinning ear to ear, "No...! No way...!"

Or the sleazeball cowardly turn by Simon when they raid the trailer? Or Aziz's death by the missile at the end?

How do you like that piece of satire?


This movie was fantastic on the big screen. I left the theater thinking, "If that was what spies really do, I would sign up today". Of course its ludicrous over the top action. But it was a great ride and exactly what I was looking for in a summer popcorn flick.

I will always have fond memories of True Lies.


I remember the audience laughing on many occasions. Especially with the whole Paxton sideplot. Great movie to watch on the big screen.



I was only 9 when this movie was released in the cinema but remember getting it pretty soon after it was released on VHS. Had a the poster in my room for a year or so as well. I probably watched this and Speed about half dozen times when it was first released.

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We came out of the theater and my friend says to me "You're fired!"





I took my then fiancΓ© (we got married a few months after it came out) to see it opening weekend in Phoenix. It was like 110 degrees and we had to wait in line outside for about 45 minutes to see it but it was worth it.

So many little touches that Cameron got right. His direction and writing was spot on. Some of the biggest audience reactions were the obvious ones like the snobby woman getting smacked in the face by the horse's tail, Gibb kissing the lamp post, Harry fessing up and getting punched etc.

But I remember one part in particular where I laughed OUT LOUD - the part where Gibb says "I remember the first time I got shot out of a cannon!" - and the rest of the theater was stone silent.

So embarrassing. 😨

It's still one of my favorite lines in the movie. My wife and I watched it again recently and we both still love it, though it's very interesting now to watch it as an old married couple versus the way we first saw it when we had no clue what Harry and Helen were going through from a marriage standpoint.


It was like 110 degrees

Celsius or Fahrenheit?


Watched in Denmark, Strandbio, Esbjerg. 1994


Tia Carrere melted the screen. Men were watching it only for her.


Old thread, but I'll chime in.

I was in law school and my wife was pregnant with our first child. We saw it in the theater opening weekend in Cary, NC. It was fantastic! Everyone loved it. Just the right amount of action, just the right amount of comedy, and just the right amount of camp.

The only audible crowd reaction I remember was when Jamie Lee Curtis was told to show up at the hotel dressed in something sexy. When they cut to her at the hotel in the goofy dress and glasses, so many women said aloud, "that's sexy??!!"

My wife said the baby was moving a lot during the loud action scenes.

To this day, Howard Stern will defend Tom Arnold by mentioning his part in this movie.

A fellow classmate at law school said at the time this was the best James Bond movie he had ever seen.
