How was Andy Dufresne able to walk into a bank and withdraw a large amount of money after escaping
...without being recognized, knowing his face would be all over the news as a fugitive?
share...without being recognized, knowing his face would be all over the news as a fugitive?
shareThe movie takes place in the 50's. Information didn't travel that fast. No one is going to know there was an escaped fugitive a day after he escaped, let alone know what he looked like.
Where would the news get a photo of Andy? The best the could do is locate an old picture of Andy from his murder trial, assuming the newspaper was so inclined to physically look for one (no computers back then). That means going back through hard copies of archived papers or scanning microfiche machines assuming the old papers from the 40s were converted to that format. Andy's escape was a minor story compared to the raid at Shawshank and the warden blowing his brains out, so I don't know if anyone would bother.
But assuming they did locate and publish a picture of Andy, I doubt anyone would make the connection. Think about what most people would imagine an escaped con to look like. A ragged unshaven barely articulate violent convicted murderer thug wearing prison garb. Do you think anyone at the bank would make the connection to Randall Stevens - a refined articulate immaculately dressed individual *WITH* proper identification whose signature matched that of the Randall Stevens they had on file?
Of all the unlikely things that occur in most films, that Andy wasn't recognized in the bank is not one of them.
Not everyone had TVs, and the only news that was on would be 6pm or 7pm.
So for the entire day, there would be nothing know about Andy on TV.
Doesnt Morgan Freeman narrate: 'it was around the time Raquel was giving up her secrets that a man walked into the bank etc etc.'
So he wasn't a wanted fugitive yet.
Doesnt Morgan Freeman narrate: 'it was around the time Raquel was giving up her secrets that a man walked into the bank etc etc.'
A more burning question for me would be "how did none of the prison guards notice the shoes?" Those shoes look different. They would have SOUNDED different. Not one of the guards noticed anything?
When Red brings it up later, my very first thought was, "seriously? you don't look at a person's shoes?"