please explain this to me---SPOILER WARNING
I haven't found much mention of this when I read discussions about this movie although I saw one review on here briefly address it. While I do enjoy this movie, I always have the same question when it is over that I have never been able to answer. I just keep thinking that there must be an explanation because it is too big of an error for the writers to overlook.
The family's father is able to escape and follows the rest without them knowing through to the end when he sabotages Wade and his partner's escape after the dangerous ride through the Gauntlet. Before they go through the gauntlet, Meryl Streep's character is describing how deadly the trip will be but Wade is willing to risk his life because he has to get through the gauntlet in order to escape to wherever they were going.
Well, if it is possible to get past the Gauntlet just by walking like the father did, then why did he insist on risking his own life by going via the raft? Didn't anybody know that it was possible to go on foot? If Meryl Streep's character had been a guide and grew up there, she must have been familiar enough to know that and suggest it. Was Wade just sadistic? They weren't delivering anything so heavy that it had to go by raft. What am I missing here?