MovieChat Forums > The River Wild (1994) Discussion > please explain this to me---SPOILER WARN...

please explain this to me---SPOILER WARNING

I haven't found much mention of this when I read discussions about this movie although I saw one review on here briefly address it. While I do enjoy this movie, I always have the same question when it is over that I have never been able to answer. I just keep thinking that there must be an explanation because it is too big of an error for the writers to overlook.

The family's father is able to escape and follows the rest without them knowing through to the end when he sabotages Wade and his partner's escape after the dangerous ride through the Gauntlet. Before they go through the gauntlet, Meryl Streep's character is describing how deadly the trip will be but Wade is willing to risk his life because he has to get through the gauntlet in order to escape to wherever they were going.

Well, if it is possible to get past the Gauntlet just by walking like the father did, then why did he insist on risking his own life by going via the raft? Didn't anybody know that it was possible to go on foot? If Meryl Streep's character had been a guide and grew up there, she must have been familiar enough to know that and suggest it. Was Wade just sadistic? They weren't delivering anything so heavy that it had to go by raft. What am I missing here?



Yeah, but ... water takes the path of least resistance. Rivers meander, turn back on themselves and go their own way. Tom could have traveled in a straight line, thereby getting to the bottom of the Gauntlet faster. Gail and Roark knew he was alive before they hit the gauntlet - at Little Niagara when they saw the smoke. Don't know if she knew to stall (remember his line - "for once don't be first"?), but there were delays which allowed Tom to set up the trap.


Gail said in one scene that it would take 5 or 6 days to walk because of a canyon that would be encountered.

PETA= People Eating Tasty Animals


Then why did Dad make it there the same time they did?


don't forget the dog made it to the end, too. i didn't see him climbing any cliffs.


That was only if the wanted to go back to where they came from.


this movie was filmed in many different locations. there was another location where the gauntlet scene was originally supposed to take place but because of inconvenience was changed. most likely it was overlooked that you could walk pass the gauntlet in the location that the scene ended up being filmed at. hope that makes sense.

This might be the worst answer to any question in IMDb History.

"Why in the name of Merlin's saggy left..."


Early on the trip, when Gail explains about the hazards of walking, one gets the impression that the dad knows the area just as well as her ...


And he has a map (that somehow survived the water - waterproof pockets?)


I think Tom went around the canyon/gorge that Gail mentioned, when he jumped in the river and crossed it (when he was convincing the dog to jump.) He probably saved himself a day or 2 right there. And he didnt stop, sleep, or eat like Wade and the othes did so that saved him probably like a day there too. He moved fast cuz he was on adrenaline, and he had the map. Its easy to see why he got there be4 them. And once Gail realizes he is still alive at Little Niagra I think she stalled as much as she could get away with (even if it only means giving Tom an extra hour)!

However, for the plot, I think Gail was stalling cuz if they could just hike outta there, they wouldnt need the hostages anymore. Wade tells Tom I need your wife to get me down the river..if he didnt, he would have shot her.


And that, Irish Diva, is the best answer to the question. She didn't want them to know that it was possible to walk because then they would just kill her and the child. They thought they needed her.


"And that, Irish Diva, is the best answer to the question."

Except it isn't, because it's not even implied in the movie. In fact, she tried to talk them out of doing it. Her trying to stall COULD have been a decent explanation, though.





LOL good point. As far as some people have said, the raft covers more ground, etc. He still could have taken the raft most the way, and then walked through that part. So it still doesn't make sense. I guess the 'best' answer is that he didn't know it was possible to walk through it, since it seemed to be some other criminals' suggestion to do the river thing anyway. Didn't do his research!

I can see Gail not suggesting it to them, but it does seem dumb for Terry and Wade not to have thought of it. All this drama and hostages when they could have just done it on their own lol.


Looks like this has been explained, numerous theories how to get down the canyon, walking... rafting... Gail also told Wade she ran the Guantlet at a reckless age of 18! with the help of 2 other guides. She was a guide herself but running it the full length 1 time would not exactly qualify her as an expert! (now twice! lol) Enjoy! It is a decent movie!
