Man I Love The 90s.

The music, the clothes, the atmosphere, the was all good.

Every Girl With A Henna Tattoo And A Spice Rack Thinks She's A Sister To The Dark Ones.



I third that.

"Don't believe everything you hear on the radio." - Charles Foster Kane


Everything the OP said. Even though I was born in the 90s and barely remember them...


I was a teenager in the 90s and that's the decade I feel the most nostalgic about. What's funny is that I didn't know how cool the 90s were at the time, until I looked back!

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


Didn't even compare to the 80's. The first maybe four years of the 90's were great, but after that, they went downhill BIG time. I remember by 96 thinking just how bad the 90's sucked.


I was thinking how utterly boring the 90's were coming off the 80's. It's like the one decade where you hear crickets when you try to think about it.

Life is Like a Dream


Yeah, the first 4 years were definitely the best. But even in the later years there was still some good music, and it was just before cell phones and the internet hit really big. I'm VERY nostalgic for that time. Now really sucks.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!



I was born in 1970, so going through my teens in the 80s, and being a young adult in the 90s, I can say that given the choice - if I had the ability to snap my fingers and take it back to 1980 or 1990, I'd pick 1980 every single day of the week and twice on Sunday.

"My name is Gladiator"


I really wish I was born then. In the 70s or the 80s, not sure. Being a teenager in the 80s would be really interesting.


Sorry. I'm from the 'Summer of Love'.

Carpe Noctem!


I was born in 1970, so going through my teens in the 80s, and being a young adult in the 90s, I can say that given the choice - if I had the ability to snap my fingers and take it back to 1980 or 1990, I'd pick 1980 every single day of the week and twice on Sunday.


A thousand times this!

The 80's was the last decade to give us anything of interest. It's most evident in its music (well the early 80s Brit scene anyway). Every decade since has been bilge. The 80's (like the 70s, 60's, 50's, 40's and right on back to previous centuries) had a distinctive look, just think of the non-descript, blah 'fashion' since then. 80's fashion may not have been pretty, but you could pick it out of a line up, no problem.

90's and onwards reeks of a lack of imagination and innovation...well except for technological advancements I guess, but that's what it's all about now, tiny black hand-held monoliths that no one can tear their eyes away from long enough to do something artistic or inspiring...well in my ever so f'king humble opinion at least ;)

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


Not me. The 90's were ok, but I think the late 80's it started to go downhill and continued through the 90's. I am not nostalgic for that time at all. I will say some good movie came out of the 90's though. I will take the early 80's any time though! :)
