MovieChat Forums > Pulp Fiction (1994) Discussion > Why did Marcellus go out for doughnuts a...

Why did Marcellus go out for doughnuts and coffee?

Looks like there was stuff to eat and maybe drink in there already.
At least pop tarts.

And for the main mob boss to even be there seems far fetched when he has an illegal enterprise to run and would have had another hit or henchman and then for him to be the gopher?
Lame and lazy writing.
Really puts the fiction into the title.


My assumption is that Vince was there all night, waiting for Butch, and Marcellus was showing up with donuts and coffee, and possibly to relieve him and take over the watch. Nothing about it seems remotely far-fetched to me.


Interesting. But I think Marcellus was just gone for a few minutes to buy the donuts. The submachine gun lying in the kitchen counter is his. So he's already been to Butch's apartment and I doubt he's left his gun there all night.


I always figured Vincent left his gun there when he went to the toilet. Marcellus still has his gun when he encounters Butch in the street.


It was a stake out, and in the words of Lurasetti from Dragged Across Concrete, “Best part of a stake out, other than when it ends is when you're eating.”

I thought it worked well as a scene, and didn’t think twice about the characters’ motivations.
As to the boss man being there, Marcellus was there only because it was personal, Butch shook his hand and then figuratively bent him over.
Marcellus was then literally bent over, all due to the gross incompetence of Vincent.



It was employee appreciation day.


Perhaps he thought Vince was so incompetent after blowing off Marvin's head, he was being put on notice.


those weren't pop tarts.
Having said that I am looking forward to Seinfeld's pop tart movie


Technically they are store brand poptarts.


They were not poptarts. Just another brand of "toaster pastries".


I mean, technically, they are similar. Now a days all there is in stores is pop tarts and store brand versions of them.


Yes. There are several different types of toaster pastries which is what poptarts are. The food item bruce willis retrieves in Pulp Fiction is a generic brand of "toaster pastries". Not a pop tart.

This happens with just about any item and sometimes the knock off generic brand becomes more popular than the original! Looking at you Oreo! (Hydrox is the original and I like them better for dunking with their crunchier cookie shell to dip in milk)


I'm too young to remember Hydrox. I wasn't born til the mid 80s.


Everyone is too young as these cookies were introduced in 1908 and 1912. I buy them at the cracker barrel store, you should try them out if you like creme filled sandwich cookies.


I remember Hydrox and they were pretty good Oreo knockoff cookies. I think Sunshine bakeries made them.


Lol Oreo IS the knockoff. A common misconception. Hydrox came out in 1908 and Oreo stole the idea and debuted 3 years later. I guess the name may have had a factor in its success?


I'm not wanting to buy cookies cause I don't want to gain back some of the weight I've lost.


Fair enough. So no sweets at all? Not even on holidays or special occasions?


Just once or twice a week. Today I had cookies at my parents house and yesterday I had a Milkyway bar at work. So no sweets til next Tuesday. I do have a lot of sweets though on the holidays.


This is a horrible take and then also pretty extreme to call it lame and lazy lol


Maybe he just didn't like the food that was at Butch's home? Maybe he's a big fan of doughnuts? Maybe he needed to make some enquiries around Butch's neighbourhood anyway?

As for him being there himself, it's probable Jules was going to be there originally but as we know he wanted to leave and go off and walk the Earth. He may have wanted to be there himself to confront Butch, such was the betrayal. I'm sure he had others busy chasing up on it elsewhere and wanted to make sure he was caught ASAP so involved himself in the case as an extra pair of hands.


Marsellus went out because him and Vincent were planning what to do next. (hence the coffee etc)
Jules quit and there was no one else to partner with..

since Paul was out doing other tasks.
