MovieChat Forums > It's Pat: The Movie (1994) Discussion > Anyone know a "Pat"??

Anyone know a "Pat"??

I used to work with this person named Al. I worked with Al for over 2 years, and I still don't know if Al was a man or a woman. Al was black and had an afro, (both sexes wore that style) and was always in jeans and tee shirts, so you couldn't tell by clothes either. Finally I got sick of it, and I ask what "Al" was short for (I figured I would get either Albert or Alicia) Al told me this weird African name that I couldn't pronounce, let alone spell. (In other words, not even the full name helped.) Anyone else know someone like that? You don't know if they are a man or a woman?

"I am not crazy,I am just
so normal that I make the
rest of the world look nuts"


I use to have a friend... her name was Joy and people would always call her pat, because she looked so much like Pat, LOL... We would do it so much just to maker her mad and all... If you didn't know her, you'd wonder what she was too. LOL!





When I was younger(11-ish), I had a cousin my age who wore glasses and had a fro so I called him Pat.

This is a great movie.



In elementary school, all the way from kindergarden to 5th grade, I had a P.E. teacher named coach Betts. Betts had a dude haircut but it's voice was slightly feminine. All those years, I had no idea what Betts was. Then when I was in the 6th grade, my little brother was still going to that school and had Betts for P.E. so I asked him if he knew what Betts was. He said Betts was a girl but he only knew b/c he once saw her bra strap under her white shirt. She eventually quit, but she was a very creepy person to be around.

"I call this one 'The Pepermint!' Enjoy!" (Will Ferrell in Superstar)


Back long ago me and a buddy though the group "Hanson" were a bunch of chicks.


by - Omega-Force on Thu Jan 29 11:58:25
Back long ago me and a buddy though the group "Hanson" were a bunch of chicks.

You mean they're not?

"I am not crazy,I am just
so normal that I make the
rest of the world look nuts"




In my college choir class, first day, a person walked in whom we couldn't tell the gender. To make matters worse, he/she sat right on the border between male and female voice parts. It was not until the second week that we found out he was a he, although my friend and i still call him "Pat" sometimes by mistake.



I've never seen the movie It's Pat, but did enjoy the sketches.

I met a Pat once at a restaurant where I worked. The supervisor told me to ask "Shannon" for help if I was confused on my first day, and I nodded that I would. And then I met Shannon... who was thickly built, had a shadow of a mustache, small "might-be-breasts," short hair which could be that of a boy or girl, and a deep but occasionally feminine voice. I have heard the name Shannon for both males and females,

All day at work, I wondered about its gender. I was asked, "Did Shannon help you?" and I would avoid the pronouns he or she and reply, "Yes, Shannon did help me." It became ridiculous. I sought clues all day.... and none gave me an answer. Sometimes, just like on SNL, I would hear Shannon say something and would think, "Oh! So it is a man!" only to be contradicted a few moments later.

Finally, just before the end of my shift, I asked another co-worker some loaded questions about Shannon. And still, I didn't get an answer. It turned out that the person I asked knew what I was up to, and was just messing with me. Finally she admitted that Shannon was a female, and that she liked to look like a boy. She wore tight sports bras to bind her breasts, and had cut her hair short to appear male, and didn't bother to remove her light mustache.

That was the only Pat I have ever met, and she was very nice. Even after finding out that she was a girl, on any given day, I still could not have been able to tell.



Oh dear god. I used to love them... like really... course, i was eight years old. Their music's not so bad, but I'm thankfully not the obsessed little kid i used to be.















OK, this post TOTALLY resonates with me.

I work with a s/he named "Sal". Sal is a bulky Chinese individual with short, spiky black hair who watches Oprah religiously -- but paradoxically also lives the Super Bowl. Sal has lived in my apartment building for five years now. I have had SEVERAL "Pat-and-Kyle"-like experiences with Sal:

1) I have peeped in Sal's windows to try to determine it's sex.
2) I once saw Sal falling down the stairs and wondered if Sal "Crushed its Nuts".
3) Sal lives in apartment 2B!!! I KID YOU NOT!

Also, I do admit that I have an unnatural love of nuts (especially Walnuts).

Honestly, you could say that I'm kind of obsessed with Sal -- like Kyle is with Pat. I am hoping to invite Sal over for wine and dancing sometime ... just kidding ... (or am I ....)



How could "Steph" be anything but a girl's name? At least that is what I would think. BTW love the Weird Al quote!

Call me crazy? Man, you make my day.
My state of residence is disarray.



I know a few people that remind me of Pat.
We call them 'shims'. Not a she and not a him. Somethin in between.

I was at a party last weekend and there was this bodybuilding shim that had women's hair but man's face and man muscles. No breast defintion.

Rather frightening. Such a shim.



Steph could be short for Stephanie or Stefan...

And around here we call them Sh*its. She, he,its.

~the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return~



I completely agree with your comments, queen, but could you use another phrase besides, "Please educate yourself"? It's smug sounding and repeatative

"I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it." Edith Sitwell


OK so what do you do if you meet someone like this and needs to use a gender specific pronoum?

"You keep him in here, and make sure HE dosen't leave!"


There's a "Pat" in my Children's Lit class. It weighs 500 lbs. has short curly balding dark hair but it also has breasrs (but that could be from it being so damn morbidly obese).It always wears white guys-style button-up shirts and elastic waist jeans, and when it speaks in class, it sounds like it could be either. Eeeek.

"You F*ckers Ready To Rock?"- MetalQueen666



its so hilarious that when you see someone and u cant tell if its a man or a woman , and u find out there name still doesnt help !! i mean come on , everytime it happens 2 me , their name always ends up being like Jo or Randy somethin like that , its typical i guess

I think it's time for an ass-whippin'


i went to middle school with a girl who was very manly. Her name was sherry, she was the most unattractive looking female I ever laid eyes on. She lived in my neighborhood and always tried talking to me on the bus. she actually thought i was her "friend". she told me that she was born a hermaphrodite and i really didnt know what exactly that was until she explained to me that she had both a penis and a vagina. i was like wtf!?! after that i didnt talk to her. afraid she was going to hit on me.


I went to middle school with someone like Pat. But, the thing is, it wasn't until about six months after I met this person that I found out they were a girl. I was so sure that it was a boy, I told all my friends to stop B-Sing me when they said she was. Then I checked out the student roster, and lo and behold, they were right. It wasn't until I saw her go into the girl's bathroom that I knew for sure.

I'm a pirate and you know it.




^Signature is below here
<-- I'm the first to ever use this icon



There was someone in my high school that would wear both guy and girl clothes and had a female hair style. We would watch him/her to see which restroom he/she would go into and he/she would go into both. Then, one day I just happen to see he/she chatting with one of my friends. I quickly asked her after he/she left if it was a girl or boy. It was a guy.

Damn!!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S!


I once met a friend for coffee and with him was a "Pat" type person. One of those people whose clothes are indeterminate; figure indeterminate; face indeterminate; hair length/style indeterminate; etc. As I sit there talking I keep trying to figure it's kind of weird, you want to know, like "What are you, a boy or a girl?" It was just that one meeting, but I always wondered. I think it is just natural to want to know. Yes of course we accept all people for what they are, etc, etc, but we naturally want to know what they are.


OMG...I see Pat types all of the time. I love it. I actually have a pic on my cell phone of a Pat at the bus stop. It is a running joke for my family and friends. In the movie they talk about the "Pat phenomenon." Apparently, there always have and always will be Pats, how entertaining for me.


Definitely--many years ago there was a local character here with the name of Nicky (another genderless name, no less) that everyone called "Icky Nicky" and no one could ascertain whether male or female. As it turned out, Nicky was male, but could certainly pass for the opposite gender--Poor Guy.


I've worked with a Riki for about 6 weeks now. I still can not tell what it is.

It is short, stocky, breasts or man-boobs?, short black spiky hair, very plain. Doesn't have pierced ears and we're not allowed to wear any other kind of jewelry. As we all wear the typical uniforms in mining that's no help. Have not been able to bust Riki coming out of either mens or ladies rooms. It has one of those voices that is kind of gravel-y, not too high and not too deep. Very masculine hands (rough, short chewed to the quick nails, lots of cuticle tears and hangnails) but will cross it's legs like a girl when seated. It does have a manly swagger when walking though. Reads Time magazine.

No joke--nobody I've asked is sure either. It's freaky. If we wouldn't get into major trouble we'd go and ask the training and permits department since they have a copy of it's license, which would state the gender.


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