MovieChat Forums > Heavyweights (1995) Discussion > Is Ben Stiller Ashamed of This Role?

Is Ben Stiller Ashamed of This Role?

I noticed years ago when I bought the VHS copy of this fine, fine film that Ben Stillers name doesn't appear anywhere on the back of the box, and instead of him being in the sandwich on the cover, its Lars. Is he ashamed of this film? Obviously not enough to rip it off for Dodgeball, but did he have a falling out or something after its release?

"What the... uh. What the hell have you been doing with yourself?"



Ben Stiller's best role was in Next Of Kin.


His performance is very similar to his second (and more well-known) "Ben Stiller Show", which he's not at all ashamed of, and rightly so, in my opinion. So no.


I saw an interview of his a year or two ago and they asked him about a role he really liked or a character he liked playing in his movies and he mentioned this one and another one so I'd say no he's not ashamed of it.


he's not ashamed of this role he practically played this role again in dodgeball he's just a little more PG-13ish in that film.


He's on the cover of the new BD recently released, badly photoshopped on there, but he's there!

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!



On the blu-ray commentary they talk about it and its basically what SuperSonicX said Ben Stiller wasn't THAT unknown; as mentioned, he had "The Ben Stiller Show" AND during the time this movie was being filmed, he was established in Hollywood as the director/co-writer of and one of the leading actors in the film "Reality Bites", from 1994.

His show was just cancelled he didn't know what direction he wanted to go with is career. He didn't want them to promote him being in the movie and he was about to do reality bites, something like that, listen to the commentary and you will have an answer.
