MovieChat Forums > Heavyweights (1995) Discussion > Whats the main purpose of this movie?

Whats the main purpose of this movie?

Fat kids who do exercise during summer camp but they cheat by sneaking in sweets so then this guy who takes their exercising seriously and trys his best to make them lean healthy kids but instead those fat lards treat him like crap and then they take over the camp and get fatter and get dieabetes and then die... WTF...

now I hate Fat Kids even more.




When I was 11, they showed Heavyweights nonstop on Disney channel. I always watched and enjoyed it. And since I was a kid, I wasn't interested in the movie having a point to it. It was just entertaining to watch.

Anyway, fat kids at camp isn't what the movie is about--that's just the topic. It's really a vehicle to show the actual message of the movie--which could be a few different things that were discussed in this thread and other threads like, "don't hate yourself" or how someone mentioned that kids won't learn through force and punishment.

But the main point of any comedy is just to have people sit down and enjoy it. People get into it because it's one of those underdog movies which make them want to root for the little guy (or maybe root for the fat kids). I might not care about this movie right now as an adult, but I've been really wanting to see it again for nostalgic reasons.


I guess the point of the movie is to ummmm whats it called.... oh yeah entertain! Remember when movies were out just to entertain. And I suppose to make fat people feel better. I know it makes me a happy fat guy! Oh it also helped half the kids from the Mighty Ducks movie series go to college and extra semester or buy a house.


My college theater just showed a midnight screening of it last night, I HIGHLY insist you rewatch it. As a kid, the movie was funny; as an adult, the writing is hysterical! Only Judd Apatow could get away with the innuendo he incites in a kids movie.


to never let anyone sign your checks!!! :)


You obviously missed that Ben Stiller's character was a maniac, risked all their lives and kept all the letters that were meant to go to their families. It was made obvious that his methods weren't working in the scene when it showed that all the kids had gained weight. The former owners wanted the kids to lose weight, but also wanted them to have fun, because their kids. And just look at the actors now, most of them aren't even fat. A lot of kids grow out of it.


Wonder how would this movie fly in today's fitness craze. True,we have seen people like Stiller's character who believe fitness is everything, healthy but even that far is dangerous. At times I wonder if this is the same character from Dodgeball.
